A man arrested over the alleged kidnapping of Cleo Smith was allegedly attacked by another prisoner inside a police holding cell.

Terry Kelly, 36 years old, was only in Carnarvon police station in Western Australia for a few minutes on Wednesday when he was apparently set upon by a prisoner.

Kelly was arrested in connection to the disappearance of Cleo, who was missing for 18-days after she disappeared from a campsite 75km away from her home. 

Daily Mail Australia was told by the mother of this prisoner that her son was furious when he found out what Kelly had been arrested for.  

“As soon as he heard that this bloke was being arrested over that little Cleo,” the woman said.

“I tell you what, he [Kelly] got a real hiding…my boy had to be taken out of his house in shackles and he (Kelly), was taken for treatment…he wasn’t in a good way. He is a big bloke, but he really got it.” 

Western Australia Police spokesmen said they would not comment about the woman’s claims.

Kelly was seen being loaded onto an ambulance outside the police station on Wednesday morning and taken to the hospital for treatment. Kelly was covered with a large, white bandage.

Terry Kelly, 36, had only been at Carnarvon police station, in Western Australia, for a few hours on Wednesday when he was allegedly set upon by a prisoner

Terry Kelly, 36 years old, was only in Carnarvon police station in Western Australia for a couple of hours on Wednesday when he was apparently set upon by a prisoner

Remarkable bodycam footage captured the moment Cleo was rescued by detectives, with the brave little girl clinging to her savior as she is gently spoken to and told she would soon see her 'mummy'

Cleo was captured by bodycam on remarkable footage. The brave little girl held onto her rescuer while detectives gently spoke to her and said she would soon see her mummy.

Cleo, four, was found by startled detectives in the early hours of Wednesday morning in a locked house in her hometown of Carnarvon, 18 days after she disappeared from a remote campsite while on holiday with her parents

Cleo, four years old, was found in a locked room in Carnarvon by bewildered detectives. This 18 days after she had disappeared from a remote campsite on holiday with her family.

Cleo, a four-year-old girl, was found by bewildered detectives in Carnarvon’s early hours of Wednesday morning. It had been 18 days since she went missing from a remote campsite during a family holiday. 

Detectives used crowbars and battering rams to kick in the door and free Cleo about 12.46am Wednesday from a home just seven minutes away from where she lives with her mum Ellie, stepdad Jake Gliddon and baby sister Isla.

Cleo was captured by bodycam on remarkable footage. The brave little girl held onto her rescuer, as detectives gently spoke to her and said she would soon see her mummy.

Daily Mail Australia has heard from distraught neighbours that they were first alerted when flood lights from police illuminated their cul-de–sac. This area is normally bustling with children playing in the front yards and at a park across the street during daylight hours. 

“My nephews went to see what was happening, and then they saw cops leading away the little white girl,” said a neighbor who has known Kelly more than a decade.

He described the accused to be a ‘loner’ who never made an effort to talk to people in the culde-sac and never brought his friends back to the house.

Others were awakened by the news that Cleo was safe and rushed to the streets to witness the scene unfold.   

West Australian Police shared an adorable first photo of Cleo since she was rescued, smiling with an ice block in hospital. 'The miracle we all hoped for,' they captioned the picture

Cleo, smiling with an iceblock in hospital, was the first photo shared by West Australian Police. The caption to the photo reads: “The miracle we all hopedfor,”

Cleo is now back in the arms of her mum Ellie and stepfather Jake (pictured together)

Cleo is now safe and sound in the arms of her stepfather Jake, and her mother Ellie (pictured together).

Cleo was smiling in hospital wearing her Frozen pajamas, and West Australian Police shared the adorable first photo. They called it the miracle that we all hoped for.

A neighbour claimed that he was a loner and kept to himself. He was not someone anyone in the street would ‘have an ear with’ even though he was a long-term resident. 

Kelly was last seen just three days following the disappearance of Cleo. Kelly, according to his former friends, was released shortly after his disappearance.

Detectives claim Kelly was acting suspiciously over the 18 days since Cleo disappeared, doing laps on his street at all times and buying toddler nappies at his grocery store, despite not having children.  

He also moved the dogs he used to keep in the backyard of the house to the front. 

He said that his grandmother raised him… but that after she died about a year ago, no one went over to give him yarn.

‘He got a new car after… he used to park it in the driveway and then close the gate, every day, always went and put the car in the same spot and closed the gate.’

Cleo was found in a suburban home in Carnarvon in the north-west region of Western Australia just before 1am Wednesday morning

Commissioner Dawson reportedly broke down in tears upon learning the heartwarming news. He said the youngster (pictured) was good as can be expected

After hearing the heartwarming news, Commissioner Dawson reportedly burst into tears. He said that the youngster (pictured), was as good and healthy as one could hope for.

Forensic officers in full protective gear including gas masks as they searched through rubbish left near the Blowholes campsite in remote WA - where Cleo went missing

Cleo was reported missing by the Blowholes campsite in remote WA. The officers were wearing full protective gear, including gas masks, as they searched for clues in rubbish near the Blowholes campsite.

The car was crucial in cracking the case. According to police, they had ‘important information’ about the car that they confirmed with phone data as well as ‘a lot forensic leads’. They raided Kelly’s home within hours.  

Mr Blanch stated that he had collected all the data he needed, including phone data, witness statements and DNA. He also said that fingerprints, DNA, fingerprints, garbage along highways and CCTV were some of the other things he had collected.

It’s unclear if Cleo was kept at the house for the entire time she was missing or if Cleo had been moved around a few times.

The crucial tip-off was the final piece of a puzzle in a case that had been frustrating and evaded detectives. It made it seem impossible for Australians to believe that Cleo would ever be found alive. 

Kelly would often be seen walking to the grocery store with his head down, talking to no one and ‘keeping it down’. 

Neighbours would often see Kelly walking to and from the local grocery store, 'keeping his head down and talking to nobody'

Kelly would often be seen by neighbors walking to and fro the local grocery shop, ‘keeping his head low and talking to nobody’

Neighbours of the home where little Cleo Smith (pictured) was kept prisoner before she was rescued by police on Wednesday have revealed the tell-tale signs they missed.

Cleo Smith’s home was visited by her neighbors, who revealed the signs they missed.

A man arrested over the alleged kidnapping of Cleo Smith was allegedly attacked by another prisoner inside a police holding cell at Carnarvon police station (pictured)

A man was arrested in connection with the kidnapping of CleoSmith. He was allegedly attacked inside a Carnarvon police station police station holding cell (pictured).

Kelly was 36 years old and he had never seen a man buy toddler diapers. This confused him.

Police have confirmed that he did not report his suspicions even though he knew it was unusual. 

“But we didn’t get on board with what he was buying them for.

He was also seen driving up and down the street at various times throughout the day, making laps and returning to the car at random hours. 

“He doesn’t have his dogs at front [normally]”He has his dogs in the back, but throughout this week he had them out the front,” Henry Dodd, a neighbor, said to Nine News.

Mr Dodd stated that he witnessed Cleo emerge from the shadow of a detective in middle of the evening.  

“I moved closer to the detective’s car and saw her in the back with the detective. He was holding her. They put her in the back. I ran over and saw her there. She looked at me, a little scared.

Mr. Dodd said that he was shocked that he was only metres away from her, while the nationwide hunt was taking place for her.

He added, “I can’t even believe it and get over that she is just one house down from me and locked up here for a few weeks,”

“Going on three weeks, her is right across from us. There are little sisters.

Cleo Smith, four, has been found alive and well, 18 days after she vanished from her family's tent at the remote Blowholes campsite in Western Australia

Cleo Smith (four years old) was found alive and well in Western Australia 18 days after she disappeared from the tent of her family at the remote Blowholes campsite. 

Police say that the suspect’s suspicious behavior led to his arrest 

Police have confirmed that they found multiple signs that led them not to one specific lead but to suspect Terry Kelly.

Detectives noticed suspicious activity in the 36-year old after reviewing community reports.

Although he wasn’t related to the family, police said that there were unusual behaviours in the 18 days since Cleo disappeared.

He began doing laps on his own street at any hour of the day or night.

Kelly bought toddler nappies from Woolworths despite not having children. Neighbors were also confused. He was also purchasing food that he would not normally buy.

Finally, the man’s dogs were moved from the backyard to the front of the house.

Data from his smartphone was also collected to track his movements during the days leading up his arrest. This further solidified the theories being developed among detectives. 

Kelly’s name was widely distributed within hours of his arrest in the local community. He is now the subject of intense public outrage.

Daily Mail Australia doesn’t suggest that charges will be brought against the 36-year old, but he has been assisting police.

Chris Dawson, a police commissioner, stated that the man had no connection to Cleo and her family.  

Detectives took Cleo back to the car and called her family, saying that they had a person available who would speak with them.

“It was a wonderful feeling making that call. They were thrilled.

Cleo cried out “mummy” when she returned to her mother after 18 days of not seeing her family.

Blaine described the little girl to be an ‘energiser bunny,’ and confirmed that she was unharmed when she arrived at his home.

The sergeant answered, “without a doubt”, when asked if it was his greatest moment in his career.

“We wanted to hold her in our hands.”

Cleo was found in her hometown of Carnarvon in Western Australia, 75km from where she went missing on October 16

Cleo was located 75km from her home in Carnarvon, Western Australia, where she was last seen.

Cleo was found 18 days after she disappeared from a tent she was sharing with her family at the Blowholes campsite, less than 75km from Carnarvon. Police said she was smiling when she was rescued, and is now in hospital being assessed with her parents at her side

Cleo was found 18-days after she vanished from the tent she was sharing at the Blowholes campsite, less that 75 km from Carnarvon. Police say she smiled when she was rescued and she is now being assessed by her parents in hospital. 

Premier Mark McGowan said it was 'a lot of information' that had led to an arrest and thanked the police for their efforts over the past three weeks

Premier Mark McGowan claimed that there was ‘a lot’ of information that led him to an arrest and thanked officers for their efforts over three weeks.


 By Olivia Day for Daily Mail Australia

Friday, October 15,

Cleo arrives at Blowholes campsite with her mother Ellie Smith, Jake Gliddon, and Isla Mae.

They arrived at sunset after a quiet night.

Saturday, October 16

1:30am: Cleo’s last sighting with her parents in the tent she shared, with her baby sister and her parents, when Cleo asked for water.

6.23am: Ellie calls 000 and reports her eldest daughter missing while she continues to search the camp grounds.

6.30 a.m.: The Carnarvon station police station dispatches the first two officers. They will travel to Blowholes in order of priority, with sirens or lights.

6.41 AM: Blowholes is sent a second police car, with two additional officers, equipped with lights and sirens.

7.10am: The police car arrives. The second one arrives in just minutes.

7.26am: Police arrive on the scene and create a protected forensic area that is taped to the public around the tent where Cleo was last spotted.

7.33 AM: A drone operator is needed to search the skies.

7.44 AM: A third officer car is dispatched for the Blowholes

8:45am: Cleo’s relatives and friends start to arrive to help with ground search.

Another team of detectives searches Cleo’s house briefly to make sure she isn’t there.

They then travel to Blowholes, where they stop cars entering and leaving the area.

8.09am: A helicopter of a local business arrived on the scene to search. Blowholes police requested an SES team to attend the scene.

8.24 am: Volunteer marine searchers and police air-wing are called in to assist in the search.

8.34am: Blowholes’ entrance is blocked off by roadblocks. Detectives collect the names, addresses and registration details of anyone who comes and goes. Police search cars.

9.25 am: Nine SES personnel arrive at Blowholes to help with the search.

Investigators, bounty hunters and officers from the Australian Federal Police have spent two-and-a-half weeks searching for missing four-year-old Cleo (pictured)

Cleo, four-year-old Cleo disappeared. Australian Federal Police officers, bounty hunters, and investigators spent two-and-a half weeks looking for her (pictured).

9.30am: Ellie in distress is greeted by detectives who stay with her for the rest of their day, while Cleo is hunted by other search teams.

11:15am: Major Crime Division Homicide Detectives are called and start travelling from Perth to assist in the search.

1pm: Perth is home to more homicide detectives, search experts, and other investigators.

3pm: Carnarvon officers and search experts arrive to offer their expertise.

Sunday, October 17,

Ms Smith turns to social media for help in finding her missing child.

A Facebook post dated Sunday, January 45th, stated that it had been over 24 hours since I last saw the sparkle in my little girl’s eyes.

“Please help me find her!”

“If you see or hear anything, please call the police!”

Police believe that Cleo might have been abducted.

Monday, October 18

Police release an image of the missing red and grey sleeping bag from Cleo’s tent.

Cleo’s biological dad is interviewed by police at Mandurah. He is asked to give a statement which he freely gives.

The WA Police, assisted by SES members, volunteers, and aircraft, continue the hunt for Cleo. Officers search nearby shacks, vehicles, and other locations.

Tuesday, October 19, 2009

Cleo’s mother Ellie Smith, and Jake Gliddon, her partner, appear before the media and describe the moment they realized the little girl was missing.

Ms Smith claims that her four-year old would not have left the tent on her own.

Police release new photos of Cleo, and the pink-and-blue one-piece she wore the night she disappeared to assist with the investigation.

Investigators are urging anyone who was in the area or at the campsite on October 15th to contact police. 

Wednesday, October 20

Police have revealed that the zip of the tent was too high for Cleo, who was discovered by her mother hanging open at 6am Saturday morning.

Officers state that they have not ruled out reports from campers who heard screeching tires in the early hours Saturday morning.

Daryl Gaunt (Deputy Police Commissioner) confirmed that officers are looking into the whereabouts and activities of 20 registered sex offenders within the Carnarvon vicinity.

Thursday, October 21

Cleo’s location was announced by WA Premier Mark McGowan. The WA Government offers a $1million reward.

McGowan stated that all Western Australians are in Cleo’s thoughts during this difficult time.

“We are all praying for a positive result.”

The speed with which the reward was issued – within days of her disappearance — was unheard of.

Pictured: Police are seen examining rubbish left near the Blowholes campsite in remote WA

Pictured: Police examine rubbish left near the Blowholes campsite. 

Monday, October 25,

WA Police confirm that Cleo was at the camp site. This is based on CCTV footage taken from a camera placed inside a beach shack 20 metres from the tent where she disappeared. 

Tuesday, October 26

Detectives and forensic officers spent Tuesday at her Carnarvon house, 900km north-east of Perth. On Tuesday, they left with two bags full of evidence.

Although investigators had been to this home before, it was the first time that they conducted a thorough search inside with a forensics team.

Col Blanch, Acting WA Police Commissioner, stated that the search of the family home was a’standard practice’ which did not indicate that they were suspects in Cleo’s disappearance.

Wednesday, October 27

WA Police forensics Officers return to Blowholes Campground and collect soil samples from a variety of campfires nearby shacks.

The Australian Federal Police were drafted into the federal government to support intelligence and forensic efforts.

Friday, October 29, 2009

Police return to Blowholes camp to examine the area with drones.

As the search for Cleo approaches the two-week mark of its second week, Detective Superintendent Rod Wilde returns from Blowholes campsite.

He confirmed that both national and international agencies are involved in the search for Cleo.

Sunday, 31 October

Cleo’s hometown was 5km away on Sunday when detectives went door-to-door.

Monday, November 1,

Detectives search through rubbish heaps at roadside bins hundreds of kilometres from the site where she vanished.

The material was then transported to Perth where forensic officers, recruits and other personnel sorted through hundreds upon hundreds of bags looking for items that might have helped them find Cleo.

Officers ask for CCTV footage and dash cam footage from within 1000km of the location where the four-year old disappeared.

Police renew their appeal for more businesses in Carnarvon, to provide footage and go door-to door in an area of industrial land on the outskirts.

Her elated mother, Ellie, (pictured, with Cleo, her partner and younger daughter) broke her silence the morning Cleo was found, sharing a series of love heart emojis on Instagram

Ellie, her mother and younger daughter, was pictured with Cleo. They shared a series on Instagram of love heart emoticons. 

Wednesday, November 3

Cleo Smith is alive and well after two-and a half weeks of diligent searching. She was discovered in the early hours on November 3.

Col Blanch, WA Police Deputy Commissioner, confirmed that Cleo was alive and well just before 7am AEST and had been reunited to her parents.

“One of the officers took her into his arms and asked her her name. He said. “She said, “My name is Cleo.”

Ellie Smith posted the following to social media: “Our Family is Whole Again”

A Carnarvon male is currently being held and being interrogated by detectives.

On October 19, Ellie Smith (pictured) and her partner Jake Gliddon fronted the media for the first time and begged the public to report any information 'big or small'

Ellie Smith (pictured), with Jake Gliddon, fronted the media on October 19th and asked the public for any information ‘big nor small’ to be reported.