Donald Trump stated that Virginia’s unexpected GOP gubernatorial victory was due in large part to Democrats’ obsession with Trump during their campaign.
Former president claimed that Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe, his allies and Youngkin were too focused on him rather than Youngkin. Trump described Youngkin as a “very good candidate”.
“If you take a look at Virginia’s events, they are very fascinating. They used my name — the Democrats — so much that they ended up losing,’ Trump told Fox News’s website. “One reason is…” [McAuliffe]He kept repeating Trump, Trump and Trump all the time.
He claimed MAGA voters won the election because Youngkin’s educational policy was appealing to them. This has been demonstrated through protests against Youngkin’s teaching of critical racism theory at Loudoun County Public Schools District.
‘The people of Virginia are angry, and the reason we won that state — number one — we had a good candidate and a nice guy and somebody who was really, very gracious, but you also had the MAGA voters come out in force because they’re tired of it, and they voted, and they made the difference.’
Donald Trump (pictured October) said MAGA supporters helped Glenn Youngkin, Republican candidate for governor, win the elections
Youngkin believed that his victory represented a cultural shift, where education policies will play a key role in the forthcoming elections.
Trump and Youngkin both cited protests at Loudon County Schools against the critical race theory to explain why angry parents would vote in their favor for Terry McAuliffe, his opponent.
Youngkin defeated McAuliffe by 50.9 percent to 48.4 percent in a state expected to be easily handed to Democrats after President Joe Biden had won the election by 10 points.
Issues involving education became a central focus of the campaign when parents were concerned they were losing say over their children’s time at school – including the teaching of Critical Race Theory and the rights of trans students.
While progressives claim CRT is not being taught at the school, conservatives assert that students are being taught on subject matter through CRT. This lens examines racism’s impact across all levels of society.
“Parents in Virginia began to understand that their role was crucial and decisive in the education of their children,” he said. ‘And when they heard Terry McAuliffe say… he wants to put government between parents and their children, this ceased to be a campaign and it started to be a movement led by parents.’
Biden and Obama were both present to promote McAuliffe’s candidacy during campaign season. Obama claimed Trump-style culture wars topicalizations were used to fuel voters fears.
Obama claimed Youngkin had stoked fear to increase his base. This is similar to what he said about Trump in 2016.
Trump stated to Fox that they brought in everyone possible. Trump said that it was a huge victory for a state which, I believe, is more red than they realize.
Right, Former President Barack Obama offers an elbow hug to Democratic candidate for governor, ex-Virginia Governor. Terry McAuliffe, during a Richmond, Virginia rally
Youngkin’s win will be a challenge for the rest, as Democrats are concerned about losing key swing states and other strongholds to Republicans during the culture wars around critical race theory.
Conservatives are fighting hard to stop schools from teaching CRT. This is a method of teaching history that links development of America and the laws of race.
Republicans say this is an attempt to portray America as a racist country. They also claim that it too heavily focuses on the dividing of students by race.
The county made an announcement in April that it would allocate $6 million more to equity training. This was strongly opposed by residents.
Transphobia has also been a major issue in Virginia schools, particularly Loudoun County which is the most wealthy county in the U.S.
Loudoun County Schools District parents protest against CRT being taught in schools during June
This school became the symbol of national discussion about ‘woke teachings in public schools’. Shelley Slebrch is pictured leading protests in the school.
The school’s policies on trans-inclusion were also protested by parents
In August, Loudoun County’s school board ruled that students of transgender can use school facilities as well as participate in groups such sports and other activities related to their gender identity.
The wealthy Virginia county made national headlines a few months later for the case of a boy wearing a skirt and raping a girl student in his school’s women’s bathroom.
The student was then transferred to another school. He is believed to have been struck once again.
Youngkin used Loudoun’s case and the protests that were erupting to demand that Youngkin end teaching CRT in the state. He also promised to investigate fully the rape matter after it became clear that the school board knew nothing about the case when it denied that such an event had ever occurred.
Youngkin is a former businessman who said before running for office that he was ready to go to work for Virginians in real people’s time and not government’.
It is anticipated that he will be inaugurated January 15, 2022.