Ex-Labour councillor and’soft porn’ star, who wore’sexy cop gear’ to read erotic poems on her YouTube channel, wants to run for Police and Crime Commissioner.

Anna Semlyen, 51, who was elected as Labour councillor in 2011, set up Anna’s Authentic Arts during the first lockdown and got into revealing positions whilst reciting ‘erotic poetry’ in her bedroom.

The former councillor, who usually dons scantily clad outfits in her videos, has since attracted 46,000 views and 740 subscribers, and she admits she first started the ‘mixed arts’ channel because she was feeling ‘lonely’ and ‘depressed’.  

One video, Safer Sex Covid style, was taken at the height lockdown. It showed a mother-of-one in a homemade bikini made from face masks. While filming the jaw-dropping “adults only” poem.

She is now fighting for one the top policing positions to increase ‘woman security’, road safety’ and prevent a medical apartheid.

A former councillor, named Anna Semlyen, (Pictured) who launched a 'soft porn' YouTube channel that saw her read erotic poetry in 'sexy police gear' wants to stand as a Police and Crime Commissioner

Anna Semlyen is a former councillor. She started a YouTube channel called’soft porn’ that featured her reading erotic poems in’sexy cop gear’. She wants to be a Police and Crime commissioner.

Anna Semlyen, 51, (Above) set up Anna's Authentic Arts, a 'mixed arts' channel offering erotic poems with titles such as 'Period Sex' and 'Blowjob', during lockdown as she was feeling 'lonely' and 'depressed'

Anna Semlyen (Above), 51, set up Anna’s authentic Arts, a channel that offers erotic poetry with titles like ‘Period Sex and ‘Blowjob, during lockdown when she was feeling lonely and depressed.

Now, she is fighting for one of the top policing jobs to increase "woman safety", "road safety" and to prevent a "medical apartheid"

She is now fighting for one the top policing positions to increase ‘woman security’, road safety’ and prevent a “medical apartheid”.

She is running for Police and Crime Commissioner in North Yorkshire.

Ms Semlyen, from York, who has a 20-year-old daughter, put her name forward for the £74,440 a year position after Mr Allot stepped down following a backlash after he urged women to be more ‘streetwise’ following Sarah Everard’s death.

She stated that women’s safety is not only about sexual safety, but also road safety.

“The patriarchy and entitlement of men is causing problems for women, not only the male gaze but also comments that aren’t wanted all the way up through rape, abuse and murder, as Sarah Everard experienced, is more concerning than ever.

Phillip Allot made comments regarding arrest procedures that were completely inappropriate.

“He was telling women to be aware of their arrest rights and he had to resign. This is why women’s rights are at the forefront this election.

She stated that her manifesto would be focused on women’s safety against sexual predators and implement a speed limit of 20 mph on residential streets as well as in town and village centers.

Ms Semlyen, from York, who has a 20-year-old daughter, put her name forward for the £74,440 a year position after Mr Allot stepped down following a backlash after he urged women to be more 'streetwise' following Sarah Everard's death

Ms Semlyen, from York, who has a 20-year-old daughter, put her name forward for the £74,440 a year position after Mr Allot stepped down following a backlash after he urged women to be more ‘streetwise’ following Sarah Everard’s death 

The former councillor (Above) believes she could use her channel to highlight the fact that policing 'isn't working'

The former councillor (Above), believes she could use her channel in order to highlight that policing “isn’t working”.

She said her manifesto would focus on women's safety from sexual predators and implementing a speed limit of 20mph on residential streets and in town and village centres

She stated that her manifesto would be focused on women’s safety against sexual predators and implement a speed limit of twenty mph on residential streets as well as in town and village centers.

The channel of Yoga teachers has 79 videos. It features a variety erotic poems, including titles like ‘Period Sex’ and ‘Blowjob’.

She believes she could use her channel as a way to emphasize the fact that policing “isn’t working”.

She also said that she worked hard on sexual feministism on her channel, because it speaks for women’s thoughts, which men rarely hear.

They often watch porn where the woman’s voice has been muted. She’s not intelligent or interesting and doesn’t have an opinion.

“We can have multiple organisms. But men get served by women and have kids. We don’t always get what we want in the bedroom.

“We want better sex, more sex and more orgasm.”

Miss Semlyen is particularly concerned that women are not discussing masturbation enough or the language surrounding it. This is something her channel, Covid, sought to highlight.

She said, “Everybody wanked lots in lockdown. Let’s be real. We are not allowed to discuss it.

“Even though this is something most people do most of the time, it’s still something most people do most days or weeks.

“The whole sexual language revolves around men because women don’t discuss it because they are afraid of being raped, or downgraded.

“You wouldn’t call a woman ‘juicy’ but you could call it ‘hard’.

Her plans to stand in the by-election, which takes place on November 25, have been hampered by the requirement of a £5,000 bond which candidates lose if they do not get more than 5% of the vote.

She added: ‘I looked into it further and found there was a £5000 entry fee, a bond, and you only get this money back if you poll at least five per cent of the first preferences, which obviously requires a lot more money to do your campaigning.

“I was shocked at the wealth barrier that exists to even stand for a candidate.”