Dorset superintendent is found guilty of gross misconduct for using hire cars against force rules and filing exaggerated expenses claims – but retired before having to face the disciplinary hearing

  • Michael Rogers, former Dorset Police Superintendent, guilty of gross misconduct
  • Panel heard that Rogers allegedly claimed fewer private mileage than he used.
  • He also allegedly submitted expense claims for expenses he had not incurred
  • He was told that he would have been fired if he hadn’t retired.  

Today’s conviction of gross misconduct brought down a police officer who hid his expenses and hired cars when he was not allowed. He was also told that he would have lost his job if he had not retired from Dorset Police.

A disciplinary panel found Michael Rogers guilty of inappropriate use of hire cars, and bogus expense claims while serving with the police force.

He appeared at the misconduct hearing at Dorset Police Headquarters in Winfrith over allegations he had breached the force’s standards of professional behaviour relating to honesty and integrity.

A spokesperson for Dorset Police stated tonight that Mr Rogers used hire or pool cars for work and private trips when he knew he shouldn’t. He also knowingly claimed less private mileage than he had traveled and filed claims for expenses he hadn’t incurred.

Michael Rogers was found guilty by a disciplinary panel at Dorset Police Headquarters in Winfrith (pictured) which heard how he made inappropriate use of hire cars and made bogus expenses claims while serving with the force

A disciplinary panel at Dorset Police Headquarters, Winfrith, found Michael Rogers guilty. They heard about Rogers’ inappropriate use and fraudulent expenses claims while he was serving with the force.

The panel was informed by Rogers that he claimed essential vehicle use allowance from July 2015 to October 2016, which paid him for his personal vehicle and his duties. However, he was still using pool and hire vehicles at the Force’s expense. These vehicles were also used for private trips.

“From November 2016, Mr Rogers was granted a force vehicle. He was allowed to use it as he pleased, but was required to report his mileage.

“It was alleged Mr Rogers had substantially under-declared the amount of private mileage he had taken between November 2016 and March 2019. Rogers was also accused of making additional expenses claims, such as meals he claimed for more that he actually spent.

“The hearing panel found that Mr Rogers had violated professional standards and was guilty gross misconduct. He was ruled to have been fired if he continued to be employed by Dorset Police.

Following the hearing, Sam de Reya (Deputy Chief Constable, Dorset Police’s Lead for Professional Standards) stated that officers in senior positions are expected to exhibit the highest levels of professionalism and integrity.

“It is extremely disappointing that a former Superintendent has been found guilty in gross misconduct. Dorset Police expects all members of the service to act with honesty and integrity in all they do.

A Dorset Police spokesman said tonight: 'It was determined that, had he still been employed by Dorset Police, he would have been dismissed' (stock image)

A spokesperson for Dorset Police said tonight that ‘It was determined, had he been employed by Dorset Police. He would have been dismissed’ (stock illustration).

“The former superintendent was in a position where they should have been role models to others and set professional standards across their teams.

“In this case, their dishonest behavior has been proven not to be in line with our expectations. The outcome of the hearing would have resulted in dismissal if the individual had not left the organization.

“I want to assure the public that we respond decisively against allegations against officers and personnel of all levels and ranks, and we will hold them accountable when they fail to meet the high standards the Force and our communities expect of them.

“If you have any concerns about any member or organisation, we encourage to report them the Dorset Police so that they can be thoroughly investigated.”
