The first thing you notice when you start to shop around for a new computer is that prices vary a lot. Unfortunately, few people can afford the top-of-the-line units. This might make you think that you have no option but to simply settle with a computer that has low specs. Do not do that!
The truth is that with good research and a little bit of knowledge, you can easily buy some really good computers you will surely love using, regardless of your budget. To do this, follow the advice below.
Research Your Option
Before you even start looking for a computer, you need to know exactly what you are looking for. Fortunately, all the information you need is available online for free. Read tech blogs like Tech Surprise, CNET, and so on. Also, become a member of tech forums so you can ask questions. The knowledge that you gain when you do this can easily help you find great deals and good computers.
Buy Slightly Older Models
Newer models are released quite common, with just a few months passing from the last model. When you buy the newer model, you pay a lot more than the previous version. As a result, you can save quite a lot if you buy a computer that is not the latest model available on the market. In fact, many stores offer huge discounts on previous models as the newer ones are launched (don’t forget computer recycling your old PC).
Buy Refurbished Desktops
A refurbished unit is either one that was returned or that failed the initial quality control check (which means it was rebuilt). Manufacturers always sell these at great discounted rates. Typically, the refurbished desktop will cost by 5 to 25 percent less.
Refurbished units are definitely great, but you need to make sure you check warranties.
Buy Systems With Less RAM To Then Upgrade Them
One of the ways in which you can save money when you buy a computer that few know is that you can always go for the minimum memory configuration. Then, you upgrade manually. This is actually less expensive than the system that already has RAM put in. The tip is particularly good when looking at performance class systems and premium brands. However, make sure that you can actually install more RAM. Some computers, like the Chromebook, only has fixed memory. You cannot upgrade RAM.
Build Your PC Alone
The last tip we offer is also the most valuable one. If you check how much it costs for you to build your computer and how much it costs to buy an already-built one, you can quickly see the difference is huge. You can actually save hundreds when you build the desktop computer with the use of parts.
The only situation in which this tip does not apply is when you need a budget laptop. While you could build your laptop alone, if the budget laptop is what you want, it would be cheaper to buy one that was already pre-built. But with desktops, they are always cheaper when built with parts.