Insulate Britain today warned motorists not use the M25 because they threatened to disrupt the motorway with a series a road blockades tomorrow.
They also requested police to not arrest them and warned that their ‘nonviolent civil resistance’ would resume on the road at 7am tomorrow.
Insulate Britain stated that motorists who choose to continue using the M25 tomorrow should slow down to 20 mph in order to reduce the risk of an accident.
It comes after activists based in London were effectively expelled from all major roads in England yesterday, following a landmark High Court ruling.
The protesters have brought chaos to motorways and A roads over the last six weeks with hundreds of arrests made – but the Metropolitan Police has still charged no one.
Yesterday’s demonstration by the eco-zealots saw parts of London come to a halt again. Some of them were seen gluing their faces, hands, and feet to roads.

Yesterday, Insulate Britain activists caused chaos in London when they brought traffic to a halt on Bishopsgate near Liverpool Street station.

Today, a spokesperson for Insulate Britain stated that: “In light of a national order covering England’s highways,” Insulate Britain declared the M25 a site nonviolent civil resistance and asked for motorway traffic to slow down.
“You cannot imprison a flood, there is no unlimited fine against a Famine, and you cannot bankrupt a Fire. It is possible to imprison ordinary people in Britain, but the lives and future generations of our children are at risk.
‘By refusing insulation in Britain’s homes our government is also condemning thousands through fuel poverty this winter, while countless others will once more be cold and hungry.
“We are not concerned about endless injunctions. We don’t care about our fears. We are concerned about fulfilling our responsibilities and duties at this ‘period de consequence’.
The group stated that the M25 would ‘become an area of nonviolent civil resistance in order to stop our government from committing crimes against mankind’ starting at 7 a.m. tomorrow.
A spokesperson for Insulate Britain said that the government, and our government, was actively seeking policies that would lead to the destruction our country as a result of climate catastrophe.
“In a free society citizens have the right to and a duty of rebellion against plans that will knowingly lead to the death of millions.
‘Insulate Britain recognizes the inconveniences and irritations we are causing the public with our campaign. We ask you to understand that disruptions are necessary in order to force a government fulfill its most basic duty to protect and defend its people.
“Insulate Britain considers that the UK Government is in treasonous betrayal against this country.”
The group has set out three demands – the first being that people ‘do not use the M25, or if they do, speeds are reduced to 20 mph to minimise the risk of accidents’.

Yesterday, Insulate Britain protestors blocked a road near Canary Wharf, East London.

Yesterday, Insulate Britain climate activists were pulled off the road at Southwark Bridge by Climate Activists
The second is that National Highways acts on its responsibility to keep the public safety by enforcing these speed limits’.
The third is that the police refuse to arrest us because we are upholding British constitution. They have a duty not to obey any government that fails its first and most important responsibility, which is the protection of British citizens.
The group also stressed that: “We will ensure that emergency access to ‘blue light” is maintained.”
Yesterday, Insulate Britain activists were effectively removed from all major roads of England after a major High Court ruling.
Judges approved an injunction prohibiting protests on 4,300 miles motorways and major A roads, also known under the Strategic Road Network.
It is a violation that can result in unlimited fines and jail time for contempt of court.
It was initially believed that the application made by National Highways the country’s roads agency would not be approved because it is so extensive and unorthodox.
It happened as Insulate Britain brought central London back to a halt yesterday, preventing hundreds of motorists from driving to their father’s hospital for cancer treatment.
Grant Shapps, Transport Secretary, confirmed that the injunction was extended last night.
He tweeted: ‘Insulate Britain are back, risking lives & ruining journeys. Three injunctions are in place. However, today I instructed @NationalHways for an injunction to cover the entire strategic roads network. Tonight’s High Court granted this temporary injunction.
‘The long term solution lies in changes to the Police, Crime, Sentencing & Courts Bill, giving additional powers against disruptive protests which target critical national infrastructure.
‘This includes unlimited fines & prison sentences of up to 6 months for obstructing highways.’ The new injunction will be in effect until Thursday. A second High Court hearing will decide if it should continue.
The original injunctions were only applicable to the M25, feeder roads to the M25 and Port of Dover.
Since September 13, members from the Extinction Rebellion wing have repeatedly blocked major roads, including M25 and M4.
Transport for London has also issued an injunction prohibiting protests.
Last week, it was revealed that nine activists would be the first to face trial for allegedly violating the original National Highways injunction. The hearing will take place at the Royal Courts of Justice November 16.
The Metropolitan Police announced yesterday that 53 people were arrested for blocking four streets in central and east London during morning rush hour.
The blockades, which were the first since a temporary pause of ten days by the group, sparked fury from Londoners. Many were filmed trying to drag eco-warriors off of the carriageway.
One heated exchange saw a man say he was trying get his father admitted to hospital for treatment of cancer.

Yesterday, police removed a climate activist who was parked on the road near Southwark Bridge.

He said: “Do you know how it feels to try and get cancer treatment, and you’re standing this way?” People are trying to get to the hospital, of all places.
Protests were the first by the organisation since October 14, when they temporarily stopped activities for ten days.
Many activists glued themselves to roads, one even attached his head to the asphalt.
After a woman with her Range Rover ran into a protestor earlier in the month, police also handed out leaflets to drivers.
The message stated: ‘Dear driver. We are peaceful and nonviolent.
We are sorry that we have to delay your journey. Please stay in your car and don’t drive on the hard shoulder. This is for emergency vehicles.
“The police are on their route. They will arrest you and you will be allowed to continue your journey. Tony Hill, a 71-year-old protestor, claimed he had traveled from near Kendal, Cumbria, to the capital to participate in the demonstration.
He said that he was here today out of anger and fear, determination. My Government is failing our country’s people because of my anger.
“The governments around the world are failing everyone,” Everyone claims we are at the 11th hour, but it’s midnight. And our Government and other governments around the globe are doing nothing of substance.
“We are saying to insulate as many buildings possible. It’s simple. It’s something that we can all do and it’s a solution.
“We have the money, all we need to make it happen is the willpower of our government. It will save money, create job opportunities, save lives, and save the earth. Why aren’t they doing this?
Midday saw the end of the protestors at Bishopsgate Street, Camomile Street, and traffic was allowed to flow again.
Despite threats of imprisonment or an unlimited fine for violating different injunctions the campaign continues.
Highways England is currently requesting contempt of court proceedings against nine protestors. A court date has yet to be set.