A blood clot in the brain caused the death of a lawyer. He also suffered from a hemorhage following the AstraZeneca Covid vaccination. An inquiry has been held.
Neil Astles, age 59, suffered a blood clot within a week of receiving his AstraZeneca injection on March 17.
Sefton, Knowsley & St Helens Coroner’s Court in Merseyside heard that Mr Astles, who worked for Warrington Borough Council, began to suffer headaches nine days after he was vaccinated.
Carole, his wife, stated to the court that the vaccine had never entered their minds as it took nine days for him to develop headaches.
She said her husband had been fit and healthy before the jab, before adding: ‘It’s just not fair.’
Neil Astles died from a blood clot after he received the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccination.
Alison Astles is part of the extended family that was applauded by the inquest. She continues to encourage people to get vaccines.
The coroner praised the family for their ‘clear position’ that vaccinations are important.
Peter Astles was speaking outside Bootle Town Hall after Tuesday’s inquest. He said that everyone in the country should receive the vaccine. Even after Neil’s death, I still had the vaccine.
On April 2, Mr Astles (from Newton-le-Willows) was admitted to Warrington Hospital after he called 111 for help when his condition started to worsen.
His wife said: ‘It wasn’t evident he was in a race against time at that point.’
After a scan at the hospital showed that there was a blood clot in his brain, Mr Astles was transferred in the morning hours to Royal Liverpool University Hospital. The inquest concluded.
The hospital’s intensive care consultant, Dr Lawrence McCrossan said that Neil had been transferred to his consciousness level at the time. We felt it was a good opportunity for us to stabilize him and prevent things from getting worse.
‘Unfortunately, things deteriorated very, very rapidly to the point where we couldn’t do anything.’
Astles was declared dead April 4.
He died from intracerebral bleeding, central vein sinus thrombosis, and Covid-19 (AstraZeneca).
The inquest heard that National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice) guidance for treatment of Mr Astles’ condition did not become available until July, but the hospitals had complied with the subsequent advice.
Dr McCrossan said: ‘What we’ve learned from what has happened is to recognise the very early signs.’
His family was praised for encouraging people to keep getting their jabs after his death in January. Merseyside’s Bootle Town Hall today held an inquest.
Dr Gary Peters, from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), said data up to October 27 shows there have been 424 cases similar to Mr Astles’ associated with the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, of which 72 have been fatal.
He also stated that 24,000,000 first doses were administered.
Dr Peters stated that the risk of experiencing the rare side effect in people between the ages 50-59 was approximately one in 100,000.
It is equivalent to an 88% reduction in hospital admissions or deaths after Covid-19.
Ms Goulding made a statement about misadventure.
Julie Goulding, Senior Coroner of Juvenile, said to Julie that she was grateful for Julie’s dignity and her message to the regulator, hospital and general public. She stated: ‘Thank you for your position, it is important to keep vaccinated. However, be mindful of very rare complications or adverse reactions, so that when these occur you can quickly and efficiently take action.This is what it looks like.