Downing Street today said that Colin Pitchfork (double child killer) could face a recall to prison. This would spark an ‘root-and branch’ review on the parole system.

Perverse murderer, aged 61, was taken into custody after he approached young girls on the streets and broke his license rules.

This was a humiliating experience for Parole Board who released him. Many, including the young victims’ families, warned that this would be a turning point in his life.

Today’s No 10 views regarding the shameful release of Britain’s most infamous criminals did not even come close to expressing how disappointed ministers are feeling.

In a pointed statement the Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: ‘He was subject to extremely strict licence provisions and close supervision, and that resulted in him being returned to custody.

‘We have already introduced some reforms – we introduced this process whereby Parole Board decisions can be appealed as part of a reconsideration mechanism.

“We’re considering a root and branch review of parole to improve its effectiveness for victims, as well as restore trust in the system’s ability to protect them.

Convicted double child killer Colin Pitchfork (pictured) was spotted going for a stroll in a park near young families. The 61-year-old predator was handed a life sentence in 1988 for the rape and murder of two 15-year-old girls

Colin Pitchfork was photographed taking a stroll through the park next to young families. In 1988, the predator of 61 years was sentenced to a life term for the murder and rape of two girls aged 15 years.

Pitchfork raped and strangled Lynda Mann (right) in Narborough, Leicestershire, in November 1983 and raped and murdered Dawn Ashworth (left) three years later in the nearby village of Enderby

Lynda Mann was strangled to death by Pitchfork (right), in Narborough in Leicestershire in November 1983. Dawn Ashworth, who was murdered three years later, was also strangled to death in Enderby.

The families of both victims have accused the Parole Board of putting children at risk by ignoring concerns from experts, especially over Pitchfork’s ‘future sexual interests’. Pictured: Pitchfork's second victim Dawn Ashworth

Both families have accused Parole Board officials of placing children at risk through ignoring warnings from experts. This includes Pitchfork’s ‘future sexual interest’. Dawn Ashworth is Pitchfork’s second victim.

Today, we revealed the full truth regarding Pitchfork’s recall from jail.

In an alarming string of incidents, the freed sex killer – who raped and strangled two 15-year-old girls in the 1980s – had been approaching teenage women in the street.

Sources indicated that the 61-year old appeared to be trying establish a relationship with them.

Yesterday night the victim’s mother said that her son’s lust for young girls was impossible to cure. 

These revelations have prompted calls for urgent reforms at the Parole Board. Pitchfork was controversially freed despite being warned that he remained dangerous to the public.

Pitchfork was released from prison in September. He was now living at a bail hostel. But he was dramatically arrested on Friday for sidling up to young women – in their later teens and early 20s – on ‘multiple’ occasions while on daily walks from his hostel.

Although he did not commit any new offences, the ‘concerning’ behaviour was deemed so troubling that Pitchfork was sent back to jail for breaching the terms of his release on licence.

Barbara Ashworth, the daughter of Dawn Ashworth, was shot to death by Pitchfork in 1986. The leopard does not change its spots, which is evident in this case.

Robert Buckland was a former justice secretary and called for dramatic changes in the parole process.

Rebecca Eastwood, the sister of Pitchfork’s first victim Lynda Mann (pictured), said: ‘Why has he been placed near a number of schools? I just hope the pictures will mean people will now be able to be on their guard.’

Rebecca Eastwood (sister of Lynda Mann, first victim of Pitchfork) said that her brother was placed close to a few schools. The pictures should make it clear that people are now able to keep watch.

Dominic Raab (Justice Secretary) was said to be “looking closely” at additional reforms to Parole board, which is currently under attack for making decisions that have freed dangerous offenders. Sources said that he could make changes in the next few weeks. Parole Board hearings cannot be viewed by journalists or the general public. Very little information is available about why a prisoner was released.

In November 1983, Lynda Mann was strangled in Narborough (Leicestershire) and Dawn Ashworth was murdered three years later in Enderby, a neighbouring village.

After he tried to avoid capture, he persuaded a colleague at work to do a DNA test on him.

In 1988, the killer was sentenced to a minimum term of 30 years imprisonment. However, this was reduced to just 28 years upon appeal in 2009. This was due in part because of his behavior in prison.

Pitchfork, who was released to bail at a south coast hostel in September, was fitted an electronic tag that monitored his movements and was placed under the most stringent license conditions. He was being monitored by the police, it is believed.

Pictured: Police remove Lynda Mann's body from the murder scene. In November 1983 Pitchfork left his baby son sleeping in the back of his car and raped and strangled 15-year-old Lynda Mann in Narborough

Pictured: Police remove Lynda Mann’s body from the murder scene. Pitchfork, who was sleeping with his infant son in the back seat of his car in November 1983, raped Lynda Mann (age 15) in Narborough.

Philip Musson, the 68-year-old uncle of Miss Ashworth, stated that it is a shock to learn that Pitchfork has been monitored by authorities. He was putting these kinds of measures in to monitor him and they couldn’t be confident about his safety.

“I think you might argue that this proves the arrangements worked. Why take that risk? [of releasing him]’

David Baker, the retired Detective Chief Superintendent, stated last night that Pitchfork was caught by Baker. Pitchfork is now back to his old self by approaching the girls. At the time, I believed that Pitchfork wasn’t being honest with probation.

“He conned” them. This is not surprising.

After being in prison for many years, he suddenly gained access to young girls every day. It was inevitable that temptation would always be present.

“I believe the probation system should be reviewed. It is important that they make it clear to people that they are secure. In Pitchfork’s case, they said they had consulted the police – well, no one ever spoke to me.’

One resident who lives near the bail hostel where Pitchfork was placed said yesterday: ‘I had no idea that he lived there but that is scary that he was staying so close – nobody tells you these things.

“I can’t believe no one told us about it, and that he was just across the street.”

Buckland suggested that the Parole Board be renamed the ‘public protection board’ to ensure stricter guidelines for assessing any risk criminals pose to the community after release. He stated that “we have to do something” to ensure public protection was at the core of all this.

“Detailed summaries should be published of all the factors that led to each decision.

“It’s right for the public to know why someone has been deemed safe or not unsafe after they have committed a serious offense. While there might be people who don’t want certain information made public, some will need to exercise some discretion. But I don’t see why Parole Board hearings can’t be openly accessible in the same manner as an open court. While in office, Mr Buckland directed a root-and-branch review of the Parole Board and asked his successor, Mr Raab to implement’meaningful changes’ which would be focused on public safety.

According to Mr Raab, the Parole Board has drifted from its core purpose.

Sources close to him say he is committed to reforms that will make sure the public’s safety from any criminals ‘trumps all else considerations.

Sources close to the Parole board said that Pitchfork’s prison psychologist, community probation officer and prison probation officer supported his release during their testimony at the hearing.

Pitchfork doesn’t have a conscience. He will continue to be a menace.


Colin Pitchfork (21 years old) was arrested just months before his 1981 wedding for inappropriately showing himself to young women.

He was caught not flashing for the second time, but he managed to escape with a mere rape on his knuckles.

That court appearance came just two years before Pitchfork killed for the first time – and by then he was already a master at running rings around the authorities, who he’d convinced he would ‘outgrow his problem’.

He was eventually arrested for Lynda Mann’s murder and Dawn Ashworth’s stabbing in 1987.

Pitchfork enjoyed the government’s inability to control his disturbing behavior.

Interviews with police revealed that he felt it was futile to try to assist him at The Woodlands. This is a hospital which treats ‘neurotic disorder’. It was a bleedin’ waste.

Pictured: Colin Pitchfork on his wedding day. Pitchfork pleaded guilty to both murders in September 1987 and was sentenced to life in January 1988. The judge said the killings were 'particularly sadistic' and at that time said he doubted Pitchfork would ever be released

Pictured: Colin Pitchfork during his wedding. Pitchfork was sentenced in January 1988 to life after pleading guilty to the murders of both his wife and son in September 1987. Pitchfork was sentenced to life in January 1988 after the judge stated that Pitchfork’s killings were “particularly sadistic”.

Officers were told by him that probation officers and psychiatrists are very happy when they hear what they desire to hear. These people are so easy to please, I cannot believe it.

Joseph Wambaugh was a former Los Angeles detective and wrote an enlightening account of Pitchfork’s crimes. Wambaugh received extensive access Pitchfork case files and taped confessions for The Blooding in 1989. This gave him unparalleled insight into Pitchfork’s dark mind and delight in lying.

Yesterday’s author (now 84) told me that it was virtually impossible for sociopaths who murder others to be other than they already are. The ‘deceitful killer’ was not allowed to be released because he “didn’t know what he was doing”.

A mugshot of Colin Pitchfork, the first murderer convicted and jailed using DNA evidence

Colin Pitchfork is a mugshot taken by the police. He was first to be convicted of murder using DNA evidence.

Wambaugh states that murdering psychopaths possess a vague superego. This is what we refer to as a conscience. His crimes are not understood by him in the same way that normal people would. He is a danger.

Wambaugh describes how Pitchfork began to reveal his sexuality to other people as a child. Pitchfork admits that flashing gave him a buzz because it is something he shouldn’t do.

According to him, it’s the adrenaline I need. He also said that part the thrill of this was not knowing how things would pan out.

Wambaugh, thanks to his unique access, paints a remarkable picture of Pitchfork’s psychopathic tendencies. He notes how he boasted that he had “flashed a thousand women in his life” during interviews.

As he “described these triumphs with gusto”, he spoke freely and without any trace of regret.

Wambaugh said that Pitchfork’s speech was grandiose and “laced with Macho profanity”.

“Ordinarily, he talked in monotone. But when he described the flashings, he spoke with delight.” Pitchfork had to feel at control even in police interviews. One occasion, halfway through an interview he asked for and was granted a Chinese meal. On another, he pulled a metal bolt from his sock – removed from a brass plaque in his cell – as well as a shoelace (routinely confiscated from prisoners because they present a hanging risk).

Pictured in 2010 is Kath Eastwood of Leicester holding a picture of her murdered daughter Lynda Mann

Kath Eastwood, Leicester, holding Lynda Mann’s picture in 2010,

Wambaugh said he placed the items on the table ‘expecting tribute’ because he was confident in his ability to outwit detectives.

Was it possible that the Parole Board members, who approved Pitchfork’s September release from prison did not pay attention to Pitchfork’s complete disrespect of authority and ridiculous boasts about how he couldn’t be trusted to keep his promises? They should have noticed that Pitchfork’s thrill came from his ability to race around people who could stop him, and the possibility of being caught.

It was no surprise to those who warned Pitchfork not to be freed from prison that he would never follow the law. The lure of violating the law was just as tempting and powerful once Pitchfork got out.

Sue Gratrick, the older sister of Pitchfork’s first victim, Lynda Mann, said yesterday – on the 38th anniversary of Lynda’s murder – that her family was praying that this time he will stay behind bars. Her sister, Sue Gratrick, said that she was glad to see no injuries. That is what I fear most.

Our parole board does not meet the requirements


Colin Pitchfork was freed in September from prison after 31 years of imprisonment for the rape, murder, and kidnapping of two schoolgirls. Shortly thereafter, I wrote that Pitchfork should spend his final days in prison. It is still my belief that he should.

Pitchfork was allegedly released but is now back in prison. He has reportedly been seen approaching young women while out on walks alone – walks which seemingly he was entitled to take.

Recent years have seen a number of controversy surrounding the Parole Board’s decision to release grave offenders.

John Worboys, a black cab rapist was convicted of attacking 12 women in 2009. However, police believe he may have had sexual assaults on more than 100 other women. Indefinitely, he was sentenced to eight years in prison.

After two victims filed a High Court challenge, Worboys’ January 2018 release decision was overturned. The Parole Board released Ian Simms last year, but he refused to disclose the location of the remains.

Black cab rapist John Worboys (pictured) was convicted in 2009 for attacks on 12 women but police believed he might have sexually assaulted more than 100

John Worboys was convicted for attacking 12 women with a black taxi rape in 2009. Police believe that he could have sexually assaulted at least 100 other victims.

In 1988, 22-year old Clerk Helen McCourt vanished on her return to Merseyside. Simms was unable to be held accountable for her mother’s actions, but Helen’s Law now prohibits killers from being released on parole. This is because they cannot reveal the location of a victim’s corpse.

Jordan Cunliffe, who was sentenced to eight years for the 2008 murder of Garry Newlove, father-of-3, outside his house, was released last year, after ministers lost a legal challenge. Kenneth Noye (road rage killer) stabbed Stephen Cameron in the back on the M25 slip road in June 1996. It was determined that Noye no longer poses a danger.

There is still a possibility that he could return to normal, provided that parole officers can convince him not to be considered a danger to women and girls.

But how can they know this, and if the Parole Board’s number one priority really is the safety of the public – as it claims – why was he even considered for release?

This is not because I want to vengeance for his victims and their families.

I’m not a hanger or flogger. My judicial system would only allow people to be imprisoned if they are a public threat.

Pitchfork’s is a grotesque example of sexual crime that can not be treated, no matter how skillfully they use psychologists and Parole Board.

It is possible that members of the board which approved his release feel today let down. We must not forget who we are dealing avec.

This is a man who strangled and raped two teenage girls, sexually assaulted another 16-year old girl, and raped another teenager. He also admitted that he had exposed himself to over 1,000 women and girls during a lifetime of sexual offences.

He repeatedly demonstrated his inability of controlling his urges to kill, humiliate and murder women and girls.

My belief is that all prisoners who have been sentenced and have shown success with rehabilitation, should be eligible for release. Are all prison inmates capable of rehabilitation? Do serious sex offenders like Pitchfork feel safe with girls or women? My opinion is no. As his lengthy criminal history confirms, men like Pitchfork will attack women when they have the chance.

A psychiatric report describing him at his trial indicated that he had a severe psycho-sexual disorder and a psychopathic personality.

Judge said about him, “From the standpoint of safety of the public I doubt that he should be ever released.”

However, the Parole Board ruled that, given his time served and the findings of the reports it had commissioned about him, there was no other choice but to release the predator.

This old-fashioned idea that you return home after you’ve completed your sentence is what constrains the board. While this might seem to be an admirable principle in a system of rehabilitation prisons, it is a flaw that I as a feminist immediately noticed. This system fails to consider women’s safety and freedom from fear.

'Pitchfork is back behind bars after apparently breaching the terms of his release. He has reportedly been seen approaching young women while out on walks alone – walks which seemingly he was entitled to take'

After apparently violating his release terms, ‘Pitchfork has been returned to prison. He has reportedly been seen approaching young women while out on walks alone – walks which seemingly he was entitled to take’

Pitchfork was released in spite of receiving advice. The system needs to be reformed immediately. No prisoner should be released without a risk assessment. When dangerous men are freed, there have been many cases of women being raped or murdered.

We need to be very clear on the Pitchfork matter. Due to the huge media interest, his release was covered extensively. His behaviour caused alarm.

However, they are less well-known, but equally determined. Sexual predators, however, are released routinely and are not under such scrutiny.

When I campaigned on this topic, I was compared to Right-wingers of ‘law and Order’ and accused in the press of pushing for punitive sentences that ‘life is good’ to get political points.

Truth be told, I’m a left-leaning feminist who is concerned about preventing violence from males against women.

Colin Pitchfork and his associates are not qualified to give a second chance.

Julie Bindel, a feminist writer who is also a domestic violence activist, is Julie Bindel