New travel rules in France could ban older Britons from France without the Covid booster jab

  • Foreign Office updated its travel advice to reflect the new rules
  • For the French ‘pass sanitaire,’ those 65 years and older must prove they’ve had a booster jab. 
  • To enter almost all indoor attractions and venues, you will need the Pass Sanitaire 

British tourists aged 65 and over could be banned from hotels and restaurants in France if they haven’t had a booster jab, it has emerged.

These new guidelines were described in the updated Travel Advice on Foreign Office’s website yesterday.

It said: ‘The French government has announced that from December 15, those who are 65 and over and who have been fully vaccinated for more than six months and five weeks will need to demonstrate that they have received an approved Covid-19 booster injection in order to access the “pass sanitaire” (Covid health pass) in France.

British tourists aged 65 and over could be banned from hotels and restaurants in France if they haven’t had a booster jab, it has emerged. Pictured: Les Deux Magots in Paris

British tourists aged 65 and over could be banned from hotels and restaurants in France if they haven’t had a booster jab, it has emerged. Pictured: Les Deux Magots in Paris

‘We will update this page with further information when it becomes available.’

To enter many indoor attractions and tourist sites in France, you will need the Pass Sanitaire. 

President Emmanuel Macron declared earlier in the week that booster shots would be an obligatoire part of the passport to older persons.

British tourists risk falling foul of these rules, as the NHS Covid Pass currently does not allow Britons who have received a third jab to do so.

France follows Israel, Austria and Croatia in setting ‘expiry dates’ for vaccines.

A boost has been given to around 11.4 million people in the UK.

British tourists face falling foul of the rules as the NHS Covid Pass does not currently allow Britons to show they have had a third jab

British tourists risk falling foul of these rules, as the NHS Covid Pass currently does not allow Britons to prove they had a third jab.
