A super slimmer revealed the near-death experience her mother had with gallstones in 2015. This motivated her to lose an amazing 10st to make sure her daughter doesn’t grow up without her.
Senior learning support worker Kimberly Fisher, 33, from Basingstoke, England, shed ten stone and went from weighing 21st 3lbs to 11st 10lb in just a year, after being motivated by her own mother’s health scare.
The single mum-of-1 explained to her mother that she had complications after getting gallstones and almost died when her body shut down.
Kimberly was inspired to give up ready-to-eat cheesecakes and cheesecakes in favor of healthy meals and exercise. She didn’t want to risk Bella’s fate and leave her six-year old daughter without a parent.
Kimberly, now a size 10, lost the weight and is now a qualified personal coach. She receives flirtatious messages on social media from admirers.

Kimberly was motivated to lose weight because she wanted to take care of her daughter Bella. Kimberly is pictured here now

Kimberly Fisher, 33, from Basingstoke, shed nearly 10 stone and went from 21st 3lbs, left, to 11st 10lb, right after her obese mother’s health scare convinced her she needed to lose weight in order to take care of her daughter Bella, six
Kimberly’s unhealthy connection with food began at 16 when she was in a toxic relationship, eating junk food until she felt sick.
She was pregnant again in 2015 and turned to comfort food, eating ready meals, McDonalds and cheesecakes all the time.
Kimberly said that she’s been called ‘disgusting’ and ‘fat’, but that she never cared until her mum’s weight led to a near-death experience.
In 2015, Kimberly’s mum got gallstones due to being 19st and overweight – and her weight led to further complications, with her organs beginning to shut down.

Kimberly is now a certified personal trainer. She discovered powerlifting and bootycamps during her weight loss.
Kimberly was a single mom to Bella, six-year-old, and decided to do everything she could in order to lessen the risk of her child going without a father.
‘It wasn’t until my mum became very sick that I became worried for my own health,’ said Kimberly.
“I didn’t really worry about how I looked. But then, she developed gallstones from being extremely overweight.
“She seemed to be one the unlucky ones. It led to some serious complications, where her organs began shutting down. I almost lost her.

The single mother-of-1 said that she used not to care about how she looked, despite being fat-shamed by mean-spirited trolls.

Kimberly was inspired to lose weight after her mother nearly died in 2015 from gallstones. Pictured during a 2017 colour run

After losing weight, the mother of one is now a strength lifter at the gym as well as a personal trainer.
“It was then that I realized I needed to lose weight so I could watch my little girl grow up.
Kimberly spent the following year reassessing her diet, joining Slimming World, and going to regular gym classes.
After losing 3st 7lbs, the mother-of-one took a year’s break from her weight loss journey, but got back on the horse in April 2017, kicking it up a notch by going to booty camps and learning to powerlift.
Kimberly’s diet is now made up of porridge bowls or low calorie homemade pancakes for breakfast, feta pasta salad, homemade soups, homemade fakeaways, mac and cheese, and ramen.

The super slimmer claims she is now the fittest of her life. pictured. She loves her newfound energy.

Kimberley stated that she enjoys being able buy nice clothes and lingerie because she felt it was impossible to do so when she was her heaviest weight. (pictured now showing off her yoga moves).
Kimberly was at her goal weight of 11st10lb by May 2018. She had lost a staggering 9st 7lbs, and dropped from a UK size 24 to a size 10.
She is now a certified personal trainer and people are eager to get her help in their weight loss journeys.
‘I am the fittest I’ve ever been in my life and I love it,’ she said.
‘I can run around after my daughter and my kids at work without feeling like I’m going to die. I can now buy nice clothes and lingerie, something I couldn’t do before.

Kimberley, image now, acknowledged she’s received more attention online after losing weight, but she added that she feels a lot better about herself.
‘I have been able to attract more attention online and in real life because I have lost weight.
‘I’ve had people trying to add me via social media and ask me on dates, people I don’t know.
‘I’ve also had unwanted attention when out and about which I was never used to and found quite hard.
“Mentally, it’s a hundred times easier to feel good about myself. I don’t have to worry about visiting a fun fair because I’m too big to fit on a ride.
‘People I’ve not seen in a while don’t recognise me.
“I love myself a lot more. I love what I see in the mirror but also I’m happier.’

Kimberly’s poor eating habits and insufficient exercise led to Kimberly turning to comfort food and gaining 21st 3lb at the highest.

Kimberly pictured after giving birth to Bella in 2015 – the mother-of-one had to reassess what she ate and begin regular exercise in order to slim down