Ten Australian mums and dads bravely tested their parenting skills against most kids’ biggest weakness – sugar – with hilarious results caught on hidden cameras.
The ‘chocolate tempting challenge’ was part of Wednesday’s episode of Parental Guidance. It was a fun test that taught parents how to stop their children from lying.
The parents, all of whom have different ways of raising their children, were shocked to find that many of their children had left a playground with an actor who was pretending to be a stranger. He promised them the chance to play in the dog park with the puppies.

Ten Australian moms and dads tried their parenting skills against the biggest weakness of most children – sugar. The hilarious results were caught on hidden cameras. Andrew and Lara’s daughter Chaya are seen fighting the urge to eat chocolate.

Miriam, a strict mum, couldn’t resist chocolate when her children were unsupervised. Grace, 10, (pictured second from right) kept it a secret for weeks. Miriam can be seen at right
Next week, the show explores serious issues like screen addiction and children accepting a ride in a stranger’s car.
So Wednesday’s episode was a welcome break and it brought out some unexpected results.
Five couples’ children were warned not to eat chocolates left behind in their rooms.
Parental Guidance, hosted and hosted by Allison Langdon (mother-of-2), and Dr Justin Coulson (father of 6-), tests parents and children against a variety of challenges in an attempt to determine ‘the best parenting style.
Ten sets of parents represent a different parenting style, including’strict’ or ‘free-range,’ ‘routine,’ ‘nature,’ ‘attachment, helicopter, and ‘Tiger. This is a Taiwanese immigrant couple.
Wednesday’s first test was based upon ‘one the most well-known social experiments of all time, the marshmallow test’.
This experiment revealed that children who could ‘delaygratification’ were more successful as they grew up.
Dr. Coulson said that studies have shown children with high self-control are more successful at school and have better relationships.
“When they grow up, they’re more likely have more successful relationships and to hold down jobs.
Langdon explained the challenge the parents.
“We asked that you bake a cake. Next, you gave your children some chocolate decorations.
The biggest surprise was who ate the chocolate and who didn’t.
Raphael, Chaya, and Andrew, the ultra-cute kids of self-confessed indulgent’ parents parents Lara, Andrew, and who use an attachment style parenting, clearly fought the urge to eat the treats.
Grace and Tim, who were the children of Andrew and Miriam’s’strict’ parents went for the treats even though they were left alone.
While little Tim, 5, confessed as soon as his mum came back in the room, Grace, 10′ took ‘a few weeks’ to own up to eating the sweets.
Brett and Tony, one of the children of ‘routine parents’, also falsified – he ate more chocolate that he actually owned.

Yann and Donna are ‘French’ parents who can’t contain their laughter at the children’s ridiculous attempts to resist the temptations of chocolate.
Dr. Coulson explained the reasons for this.
Research suggests that children are more likely to act in a way that is stricter than their parents. Once those chains are removed, they are free to do whatever they want.
Dr. Coulson then explained the significance and suggested ways to make your children open to the truth.
“The best way to stop” [children] lying is they need to know that they can actually tell us the truth and while there may be conversations the purpose is not to get them in trouble if they’ve lied, the purpose is to say ‘how can I become someone safe to tell hard things to’?’
‘Because while we’re talking about a little bit of chocolate on the kitchen bench right now, once they’re 15 or 16 and they’re at that party on that Friday night and someone’s in trouble, you want them to ring and say ‘we’ve done something wrong, you’re the only adults we know that we can trust to call’.
Wednesday’s episode featured hilarious challenges where the families attempted to build a beach shelter together, and then posed for a family picture.