As pressure mounted on Prince Andrew, one week after he was stripped of his honorary military positions, the Twitter account of Prince Andrew was deleted.
Users who visited the official Twitter account @theDukeofYork were immediately greeted by a message saying “This account doesn’t exists – please search for another.” This was just hours after they had seen it live yesterday.
The Duke’s Facebook and Instagram accounts – which both have the handle @hrhthedukeofyork – were still live this morning, six days after Andrew lost his titles and gave up his use of the HRH style last Thursday.
However a source close to Andrew told MailOnline today that all of his social media channels had now been removed and were no longer live, but some of them were taking longer to filter through. According to the source, “The modifications have been made in order to reflect Buckingham Palace’s recent statements regarding The Duke Of York.”
This comes following a string of revelations made by Lady Victoria Hervey, an ITV documentary that saw Jeffery Epstein claim that he and Bill Clinton were ‘like brothers’ who ‘loved being around each other’.
And Lady Victoria, the 45-year-old former ‘It Girl’, also said Ghislaine Maxwell used her as ‘bait’ to entertain Epstein’s friends, adding that the US paedophile and financier had Maxwell ‘sort of go fishing’ for girls for him.
At 9PM yesterday, the documentary also showed allegations made by Paul Page (ex-royal protection officer) that Andrew was obsessed with his soft toys collection and would throw tantrums if any of the bears were taken.
Mr Page said a laminated picture of his toys was kept in a drawer to help household staff properly place them on his bed – and he would ‘shout and scream and become verbally abusive’ if they were not put back correctly.
The programme was viewed by an average of 3.3 million viewers. Two people speaking on it suggested that Andrew and Maxwell felt so at ease around one another, they created the illusion of being in a romantic relationship.
Euan Rellie shared a social life with Maxwell. Their relationship was characterized by a mutual warmth.
Mister Page said that Maxwell was his first date. He added, “From the way she was permitted to enter the palace and go out, it seemed like she was in an intimate relationship”
Andrew was born as an HRH and will no longer use this style. Last week, he was stripped of all royal patronages. This decision represented the Duke’s total removal from royal life.

Today, social media users who visited @thedukeofyork’s official Twitter account were met with an error message. It said that the account was not available. They could search for one.

Prince Andrew and Virginia Roberts are joined by Ghislaine Maxwell, in London’s background, on 13 March 2001

Both the Instagram and Facebook accounts of The Duke – both with @hrhthedukeofyork handles – are still active this morning. But, MailOnline was informed today by a source close Andrew that although they have been deleted, it took longer for filters to work through them.

LBC was informed today by James Heappey, Armed Forces Minister. He said that Andrew’s associations were ‘horrifically unwise’.
One day after Andrew’s New York lawsuit was dismissed by a judge, the Queen made a dramatic decision and declared that it could proceed to trial.
James Heappey (Armed Forces Minister) spoke about Andrew today on LBC radio. He said that Andrew is not visible to the public.
“My reflection is that his associations have been horribly ill-advised, and he has created enormous problems for the Royal Family during a year where we should be celebrating Her Majesty’s extraordinary service as she approaches her Platinum Jubilee.
“But, I am also Minister of Crown and it wouldn’t be appropriate for me give any additional comment that could risk being too colorful.”
This revelation comes just as Lady Victoria said yesterday that Maxwell used Maxwell as a ‘bait’ to entertain Epstein’s friends. Andrew, the socialite/model, was in a relationship with Andrew when she was just her twenties. Maxwell, an American paedophile financier, had Maxwell “sort of go fishing” for his girls.
Former ‘It Girl,’ 45 year-old, is now the daughter of 6th Marquess, Bristol. She first met them 20 years ago, when she stated that she was “young and foolish”.
Last night’s ITV documentary titled ‘Ghislaine Prince Andrew and The Paedophile,’ Lady Victoria was featured. Epstein discussed the relationship with Clinton. Clinton was photographed on several occasions with Epstein. According to reports, Clinton flew in his private jet at least nine more times.
She stated: Jeffrey knew that Clinton was close to him. You may have seen the Jeffrey Epstein paintings. One portrait is of Bill Clinton in the same dress Monica Lewinsky wore during the affair.
“So yeah, he was very close to Jeffrey Epstein. The socialite stated that they were brothers and that he was also close to Ghislaine.
Maxwell, Bill Clinton’s daughter, was present at Chelsea Clinton’s 2010 wedding. Maxwell denies having been in a relationship with Epstein.
Andrew, who is accused of having had sex when Andrew was just a teenager with Virginia Giuffre, was then known as Virginia Roberts. She claims that she was trafficked to Epstein and Maxwell. They are all denied by the Duke.
Ranvir Singh, a presenter asked Lady Victoria what Epstein and Maxwell desired from Andrew’s friendship. She replied that Prince Andrew was the child of Queen Elizabeth. Americans love it. Jeffery loved this. Bill Clinton also loved this.
She also said of Epstein and Maxwell: ‘It was kind of like Batman and Robin – they were a double act. Ghislaine is indispensable, and Jeffrey couldn’t have accomplished any of this without her.
Ms. Singh asked her: “And Ghislaine, were you able to get those girls to these dinners?”
Lady Victoria responded: “He kind of just sat back, and kind of waited for her sort of to go fishing and find whatever girls were needed. My role was pretty much to be used as bait. Looking back, I realize that I was young and very naive.
Maxwell, 60 was found guilty in New York of faciliting the sexual abuses of schoolgirls during a trial.
On June 28, she will receive her sentence. She could face a maximum of 65 years in prison.
Epstein (66) committed suicide while in Manhattan’s jail while awaiting his trial.
Yesterday, Lady Victoria appeared on ITV’s Lorraine and said that Maxwell had been initially victim to Epstein. However, she later became a complicite.

Prince Andrew is reported to have met Jeffrey Epstein at several of the billionaire’s homes, which includes Epstein’s island on Little St James. The name of Prince Andrew appears in the flight logs for Epstein’s private jet known as Lolita Express.

Epstein’s luxury home on his island – Little St James – where Virginia Giuffre, previously known as Virginia Roberts, alleges the Duke of York sexually abused her. Prince Andrew refutes all allegations against him

Ghislaine Maxwell and Lady Victoria Hervey in Hollywood, February 2004. Lady Victoria was 20 years old when she first met her.

Lady Victoria Hervey looks towards the camera as she stands beside Prince Andrew at an event in London, January 2002
She continued, “She is a scapegoat at the moment, so she is unfortunately being made to pay for what he did.”
The Grenadier Guards welcomed Andrew’s loss of honorary position as colonel by chanting ‘three cheers for Queen’
Buckingham Palace had announced that the Duke would be stripped of all military affiliations. Roly Walker, the regiment’s ceremonial commanding officer confirmed that the post was’returned immediately to Her Majesty’.
In an email to troops, Lieutenant General Walker stated that he was certain that he would offer the Colonel a personal “Three Cheers” for him. This appointment, which she held first in 1942 (80 years ago on February 24, this year), is still in effect.
Andrew, now 61 years old, took over the Grenadier Guards’ role from his father, The Duke of Edinburgh. He retired from public life in 2017 and Andrew assumed the responsibility.
When he was first allowed to step back from office duties, it was one of his most treasured positions. However, there was a lot of evidence that Andrew felt uncomfortable drinking at the end regimental meals.
Also, in an email to Lt Gen Walker, he stated: “Buckingham Palace informed me that the colonelcy along with other titles and affiliations of the duke will be reallocated in due time to another member in the Royal Family.”
Andrew was also mentioned by him that he’d write to Andrew “to thank him for being a colonel”.
Charles II created the Grenadier Guards in 1656. They have participated in nearly every major British Army campaign, from the Napoleonic to the Crimean and Boer Wars, as well as the First and Second World Wars.
York Racecourse announced yesterday that they will change the name of one of their most historical events, The Duke of York Stakes. This is in an effort to separate themselves from Andrew.
This six-furlong race was originally held in 1895. Its name is derived from Prince George, Duke and York, who then became George V.
James Brennan (head of sponsorship and marketing at the racecourse) said that it has not been about Prince Andrew. However, we are going to explore how we can make the name a lot clearer about its history – and that the name refers to an entirely different Duke of York.’
Andrew served as a patron for the course until his retirement in 2019. He was also a frequent attendee of flagship fixtures.
In the aftermath of Epstein’s scandalous association with Maxwell, a sex-trafficker girlfriend and disgraced paedophile, the prince was forced to quit public life.
Virginia Giuffre is an Epstein victim. She claims she was loaned out to the couple and made to have sex three times with Andrew as a teenager. He is being sued by her for rape, and sexual assault.
These claims have been denied by the prince vehemently. The Queen forced him to give back his royal privileges last week in order for the queen to defend the US case.