An expert in relationship has identified the signs that your partner is cheating on you.

Cory Skonlnik (33), from Las Vegas, Nevada shared some things people say often to each other and he considered them red flags. 

As it turns out, simple sentences such as “I love you” and “I’m sorry that you feel this way,” could be deeper and more sinister in unhealthy relationships.

TikTok was the place where he shared his thoughts on warning signs your partner might be cheating. There were many responses.

Cory says that if your spouse claims someone is “just a friend,” it may be an indication they don’t intend to be loyal to you. 

He began the clip by explaining what narcissists mean when they say “She’s just friends.” The clip has been viewed over three million times.

A relationship expert has revealed the phrases that could indicate your other half is secretly cheating on you

The phrases that may indicate that your spouse is secretly cheating are revealed by a relationship expert

Cory Skonlnik, 33, from Las Vegas, Nevada, recently shared a few things that people often say to their significant other that he considers red flags

Cory Skonlnik (33), from Las Vegas, Nevada shared some things people say to each other frequently that he sees as red flags.

It turns out, common sentences like, 'I love you,' and 'I'm sorry you feel that way,' could have deeper meanings and darker undertones in an unhealthy relationship

Common phrases like “I love” or “I’m sorry”, can have deep meanings.

‘Translation — I keep this person around as a backup for whenever I get bored. If you are not available, they may take your place.

They may be acting in my place as an additional value. I will make you look like the controlling one if you criticize my behavior with that person.

Many people who had recently broken up with a significant other due to infidelity took to the comment section to share their thoughts on Cory’s translation, and a lot agreed with him — calling it ‘accurate’ and ‘triggering.’ 

One person said, “I nearly threw up at how precise this was,”

Another added: ‘True Statement,’ ‘Dumped him right away.’

“What an amazing way to raise my PTSD. Thank you, someone else. 

“OMG, this caused the [s**t]Out of me. I feel as if I had been. [through]”This one so much,” a fourth observation was made.

He shared warning signs that your partner may actually be a narcissist to TikTok. According to Cory, if your spouse says someone is 'just a friend,' it means they are likely being unfaithful

There are warning signs your partner might be a TikTok narcissist. Cory said that if your spouse calls someone ‘just friends,’ this could indicate they may be unfaithful.

Many people who had recently broken up with a significant other due to infidelity took to the comment section and agreed with him - calling his translation 'accurate' and 'triggering’

Many people who had recently broken up with a significant other due to infidelity took to the comment section and agreed with him – calling his translation ‘accurate’ and ‘triggering’

TikTok’s fifth user joked that he had made a video of his ex-husband. 

Cory also claimed in another viral video that when someone says they love them, it really means they are ‘love controlling’ you. 

According to him, narcissists are out to make you feel better by complimenting and flattering you. 

He said, “What do narcissists mean by saying that they love you?” ‘Translation — I love owning you. Controlling you is my passion. It’s a pleasure to use you.

It feels great to sweet talk and love bomb you.

‘When I flatter, you can have everything I want. I can assure you that you will open up to me even after being mistreated.

“Once I get you hooked up and invested in the game, I’ll take it under my feet so you can watch your fall.” 

A third TikTok was shared by him. He said that toxic lovers who say “Nobody will love me like I do” are actually afraid you’ll meet somebody else and discover your true worth.

Translation — I’m afraid if you meet someone else, you’ll realize your worth, discover your value and I’ll lose control of you,’ he explained.

In a different TikTok, he claimed that when a toxic lover says 'Nobody will love you like I do,' they are secretly afraid you might meet someone else and 'realize your worth'

A different TikTok claimed that toxic lovers who say “Nobody will ever love you as I do,” are actually afraid of you meeting someone new and realizing your worth.

In another viral video, Cory claimed that when a narcissist says they love you, they are trying to build you up by flattering you, just to 'pull the rug beneath your feet and watch you fall'

Cory stated in another viral video that if a narcissist tells you they love you they want to make you feel better.

‘So what I’m going to do is emotionally highjack you by hacking into your insecurities and taking advantage of your already low self esteem that I have so graciously given to you over the course of our relationship — passive-aggressively convincing you that you’re not good enough to even look for someone else.’ 

According to Cory, when a narcissist calls their significant other ‘crazy,’ it’s usually because they want to hide their own mental instability. 

He said: ‘Translation — I am a master of creating chaos to provoke you, I love it when you react. So, I can point to the blame and say “You’re crazy.”

“After all, nobody would listen to anything you have to share about me if you thought that you were only bitter or unstable.

“Forget that fact that I am irrational and angry, lashing out at anybody or anything that might threaten my sense of superiority.

He also reminded women that if someone tells them they’re ‘overreacting,’ that they’re most likely having a ‘perfectly normal reaction to an immense amount of bulls**t.’ 

According to Cory, when a narcissist calls their significant other 'crazy,' it's usually because they want to hide their own mental instability

Cory says that when someone calls their partner ‘crazy’, it is usually because they are trying to conceal their mental insanity.

He also reminded women that if someone tells them they're 'overreacting,' they're most likely having a 'perfectly normal reaction to an immense amount of bulls**t'

He also reminded women that if someone tells them they’re ‘overreacting,’ they’re most likely having a ‘perfectly normal reaction to an immense amount of bulls**t’

To make sure you don’t second-guess yourself, I will continue to gaslight you. He said that emotional invalidating yourself is key to your compliance. 

“As long your self-trust is lacking, you will find it difficult to understand, minimise, or deny the abuse you have done.

“While I’m working hard to please you, I’m reaping the rewards without any consequences for what my actions have caused.”

In one final video, he added, ‘What narcissists really mean when they say, “I’m sorry you feel that way.”

‘Translation — Sorry, not sorry. This argument needs to be resolved so I don’t continue with my abusive behavior.

“I’m not sorry I did the things I did. Sorry I was caught. Sorry you are calling me out.

“I regret that I am being held responsible. Sorry that you experience the same emotions as me.

“To me they aren’t valid, because I have the right to all I want, no matter how your feelings about it.”  

According to Corey Skonlnik, a relationship expert, what do narcissists actually mean?

  • She’s just a friend — I keep this person around as a backup for whenever I get bored. If you are not available, they may be able to replace you. You may find them to be a useful sidekick. If I hear you complaining about my untrustworthy behavior with that person, it will be a problem.
  • I love you — I love owning you. Controlling you is my passion. You are my favorite thing. “It’s so satisfying to love bomb and sweet talk with you. I can pull you in whenever I want. If I flatter you, it’s possible to have everything I want. Trust me. You can open up even after being mistreated. Once you are invested and hooked, I will pull the rug under your feet to see you fall. 
  • Nobody will love you like I do — I’m afraid if you meet someone else, you’ll realize your worth, discover your value and I’ll lose control of you. So what I’m going to do is emotionally highjack you by hacking into your insecurities and taking advantage of your already low self esteem that I have so graciously given to you over the course of our relationship — passive-aggressively convincing you that you’re not good enough to even look for someone else.
  • You’re crazy — I am a master of creating chaos to provoke you, I love it when you react. This way I can point at the culprit and tell you, “You are the crazy one.” No one will listen to anything you say about me if you are only bitter or unstable. It’s not true that I’m the only one who is rageful, irrational and lashing out at anyone or everything that threatens to diminish my senses of superiority.
  • You’re overreacting — Let me gaslight you some more so you second guess yourself. To keep you compliant, you must be emotionally invalidating. You won’t be able to trust your own ability to justify, minimize and even deny the abuse if you aren’t confident in yourself. You’re trying so hard to please my needs, but I reap all the rewards without having to deal with any consequences.
  • I’m sorry you feel that way — Sorry, not sorry. So let’s end this argument so I can go on with my abusive behavior. It is not my fault that I did the things I did. Sorry I was caught. It’s a pity that you have called me out. It’s a pity that you are holding me responsible. Sorry that you experience the same emotions as me. They’re invalid because they don’t apply to me. I have the right to all I want regardless of your feelings.