Scientists say they have invented a vegan version of the cheese. 

The cheese, developed by a Singapore-based company, is made from algae – a photosynthetic microorganism usually found near water.

Vegan cheeses have been on the market for some time and don’t hold a lot of fame. But this new vegan cheese mimics traditional cheese, its creators claim.  

The tangy flavour profile is similar to Cheddar’s and it’s packed with B vitamins. 

You can slice it for a cheeseboard, melt in a toastie or add to a sandwich. 

Although it is not yet available in the UK, the company is said to be in discussions with major European dairy companies. 

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Anything ewe can do, algae do Cheddar: The new vegan cheese is available as two types of products - a semi-hard microalgae dairy-free cheese that's sliceable (pictured here) and a dairy-free cheese spread

Everything ewe can, algae do Cheddar. The vegan cheese comes in two varieties: a semi-hard microalgae cheese-free from dairy that is sliceable (pictured above) and a cheese-free spread.


Microalgae are tiny photosynthetic microorganisms found in both freshwater and marine aquatic systems, each only a few micrometres in size. 

They are an excellent source for amino acids, essential fatty acids and vitamins as well as minerals. 

This new vegan cheese, made from Microalgae milk, packs a umami punch.  

Umami, together with salty, bitter, sweet and sour, is one of five flavors that register on your tongue. 

It was first identified in Japan by a researcher in 1908. 

This website was developed by Sophie’s BioNutrients, an innovative food technology company that produces sustainable foods, and Ingredion Idea Labs Innovation Centre in Singapore.

The firm announced the creation of their dairy-free, protein-rich microalgae milk – from which this new cheese has been made – earlier this year. 

‘Microalgae is one of the most nutrient-rich and ductile resources on the planet,’ said Eugene Wang, co-founder and CEO of Sophie’s BioNutrients.

‘Today we have shown another facet of the unlimited possibilities this superfood can offer – a dairy and lactose-free alternative to cheese that, thanks to microalgae, offers a higher protein content than most available dairy-free alternatives.’ 

Developed using microalgae protein flour, the cheese is set to become available as two types of products – a semi-hard microalgae dairy-free cheese and a dairy-free cheese spread. 

One-ounce of semi-hard microalgae cheddar provides twice the daily vitamin B12 intake.   

Microalgae can be used to supplement food and aquafeed fish. They are a great source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants. 

The tiny photosynthetic microorganisms are found in both freshwater and marine aquatic systems, each only a few micrometres in size. 

The microalgae are grown in large tanks called bioreactors. They receive constant light and carbon dioxide.  

In May 2021, Sophie's BioNutrients revealed its microalgae-based milk (pictured), which is safe for consumption for lactose-intolerant people. This 'milk' is the starting point for making the new cheese

In May 2021, Sophie’s BioNutrients revealed its microalgae-based milk (pictured), which is safe for consumption for lactose-intolerant people. This “milk” is used as the base for the creation of the new cheese.

Sophie’s Bionutrients says that it grows micro-algae in bio-reactors. This can be controlled in order to make protein in just a matter days. 

“We will utilize local food wastes and small amounts of water in order to make micro-algae protein in metropolitan areas of many parts of the world. 

“We can also produce whole-algae components in a variety food applications in plant-based meat and functional foods.” 

Sophie’s BioNutrients’ microalgae milk, revealed in May this year, starts off as a micro-algae protein flour. 

To make the dairy-free alternative to milk, this flour is combined with water. It is also suitable for vegans and lactose-intolerant persons.   

Microalgae species are cultivated in big vats called bioreactors (pictured here in a stock image), fuelled by a constant source of light and carbon dioxide, to form a powder

The microalgae are grown in large vats known as bioreactors, which provide constant light and carbon dioxide to make a powder.

MailOnline reached out to Sophie’s BioNutrients in order to get more details about the process of making the cheese and when it may be available for sale in the UK. 

The firm also plans to produce a vegan yoghurt made with its milk.

According to the firm, vegan and dairy-free cheeses have been on the rise due to consumer demand for plant-based options. 

Research and Markets is an international market research company that estimates the vegan cheese market will grow to $4.42 Billion by 2027. 

Traditional cheese is primarily made from milk of cows.

Farmed cows and other animals release huge amounts of methane – a greenhouse gas – into the atmosphere through burps and farts.  


They are both found in freshwater as well marine aquatic systems and represent a valuable resource. Although only a few micrometers long, these algae produce vitamins, amino acids, fatty acid, and minerals.

Although only a few algal species can be used in commercial production, there are hundreds of potential food or feed options.

Microalgae can be used to supplement fish, as food ingredients and as aquafeed.

Commercially grown microalgae can be cultivated in a variety of ways that leave a significant environmental footprint.

Nanno is being grown on a commercial scale in brackish water at outdoor ponds in Texas with additional carbon dioxide, as well as in photobioreactors in Iceland using seawater plus carbon dioxide at an Icelandic geothermal power station.

To produce one kilogram of essential amino acids from beef, you need 148,000 liters freshwater and 125 sq. meters fertile soil. 

For the equivalent amount of Nanno, however, you will need 20 liters (or more) of freshwater.