People’magnet fishing in a Manchester canal today’ reportedly found a body.
To gain access to Rochdale Canal, firefighters and police converged on Old Church Street, Newton Heath.
Police confirmed that a man had been declared dead at the scene, only yards from a busy high-street.

People’magnet fishing in a Manchester canal today’ reportedly found a body.

Police and firefighters converged on Old Church Street, Newton Heath, to access Rochdale Canal
A tent was put up on the canal towpath and residents watched on as forensic officers combed the scene for clues.
Stephen Roscoe claimed that he saw three engines of fire and ‘about ten police vehicles’ descend on the scene around 10.10am.
He said that there were many of them, and divers as well.
“I knew it was someone in the water. There have been incidents in the past. It is terrible.

Police confirmed that a man had been declared dead at the scene, only yards from a busy high-street.
Leanne Tighe, a resident of a nearby housing estate, said that she was shocked to learn that someone had died.
“When I saw police, I thought someone might be attacked, but then I saw that the tent was there,” she said.
“You don’t expect that you will see such a thing. I have lived here for 13+ years. There are always some problems, but they don’t affect our daily lives in other parts.

Residents watched as forensic investigators searched the scene for clues and set up a tent on the canal towpath.
Detectives are investigating the circumstances that led to the death of the man.
Throughout Sunday, officers remained on the scene, near Newton Heath Library.
As police officers stood watch, several entrances to towpaths were taped.
Greater Manchester Police stated that they received a report from police regarding a concern about the welfare of a man near Old Church Street in Manchester at 10.10 am this morning (October 31, 2018).
GMFRS and Police responded, and the victim was confirmed to have died on the spot.
“Enquiries continue to identify the man and the circumstances that led to the incident.
“Officers remain on the scene. Anyone with information should contact the police online if possible or via 101, quoting incident 1334 from 31/10/2021.