Trump claims that his promises of peace between Israel, Palestine and Israel were broken because Benjamin Netanyahu wasn’t interested in peace. This escalated tensions between Trump and Netanyahu, an ally for many years.

It was disclosed Monday that Trump said to Barak Ravid: “I don’t believe Bibi ever wanted peace.”

“I believe he just tap us along. You know what I mean? Just tap, tap and tap. 

Ravid, however, stated that Trump had spoken highly of Mahmoud Abdulbas in an article for Axios. 

Trump stated, “I thought he’s fantastic.” Trump said, “He almost felt like a father.” He was so nice. It was clear that he was more interested in making a deal than Netanyahu. 

Trump was reportedly told by Abbas that he wanted to strike a deal. Netanyahu, however, told Trump to hold off.  

Former President Trump claimed his promise of peace between Israel and Palestine fell through because Benjamin Netanyahu was not interested in peace

Trump claims that his promises of peace between Israel, Palestine and the United States were canceled because Benjamin Netanyahu wasn’t interested in peace

'I thought he was terrific,' Trump said of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (above). 'He was almost like a father. Couldn't have been nicer. I thought he wanted to make a deal more than Netanyahu.'

Trump observed that Mahmoud Abubas, the Palestinian president, was a remarkable person. “He almost felt like a father to me.” He was so nice. It was clear that he wanted to strike a more lucrative deal than Netanyahu.

For decades, peace between Israel and Palestine was elusive to US presidents. Trump, at the start of 2020, proposed an agreement that would have been most favorable for Israel since 1991’s Madrid peace conference. 

“My entire life has been about deals. I’m like one big deal. This is all I do so it’s easy to understand. And after meeting with Bibi for three minutes … I stopped Bibi in the middle of a sentence. I told Bibi, “Bibi, don’t you want to make any deal.” Do you?’ And he said, ‘Well, uh, uh uh’ — and the fact is, I don’t think Bibi ever wanted to make a deal.’ 

Trump accused Abbas, however, of giving hugs and kisses behind closed doors to evade public criticism. 

“He didn’t speak the right words when he returned home. Trump said more warlike words than he spoke to me. Trump suggested that Trump might have felt it was politically good. 

Trump said also that Netanyahu’s rival, Benny Gantz (Deputy Prime Minister), would be much more difficult to reach a deal. 

Trump said of Gantz: ‘I thought he was great. He is a truly remarkable man. I think it would have been much simpler to strike a deal for the Palestinians [with Gantz]Unlike Netanyahu. Netanyahu is hated in the Palestinians. … They loved Gantz. They don’t hate Gantz. 

Trump repeatedly stated during his 2016 presidential campaign that he was told by Israelis and Palestinians that peace is impossible. 

“It’s impossible,” he said. Trump stated that Sheldon Adelson had said so. He was referring to former Republican mega-donor who he repeatedly mentioned in his interview discussing Middle East policy.

The hatred that exists between Israelis, Palestinians, and Israelis is overwhelming. Trump stated that they learned to hate one another from day one, particularly the Palestinians towards Israel. Sheldon was also a deal-maker. He claimed it was impossible.

Trump also announced his 2020 peace plan, and Netanyahu used the chance to annexe portions of the Israel-occupied West Bank in advance of elections.   

The White House was stunned. Trump stated to Ravid that he was angry at Trump and stopped the program because it was going too far.  

Abbas was harshly critical of this plan. Proponents called it “the deal of the century” while Abbas called it “the slap on the century”.  

Trump realized the same thing as Obama and Clinton – that Netanyahu was going to stand in the way a peaceful, two-state solution. Clinton claimed that Netanyahu would not make peace with Palestine, in an interview from 2014. 

Despite Israel’s failure to reach a peace agreement with Palestine, Trump managed to negotiate a few peace deals between Israel, four Arab states and a group of agreements known as The Abraham Accords. 

On Friday it was reported that Trump railed against Netanyahu for congratulating President Biden on his 2020 win, calling him disloyal and ungrateful.

“I have not spoken with him since.” F*** him,’ Trump said. 

“I loved Bibi. I still like Bibi. However, loyalty is also something that I enjoy. Bibi was first to commend Biden. Trump stated that Bibi not only congratulated Biden, but also taped it.  

Netanyahu did not become the first leader in the world to felicitate Biden, and he had to wait more than 12 hours for his congratulations to be sent by the U.S. networks.

On November 8, 2020 (the day that the race was called in Biden’s favor), he posted his condolences on Twitter. In the post, he and Biden have had a ‘long & warm’ personal relationship for almost 40 years and sees him as ‘a great friend of Israel’ and looks forward to working together.

“Bibi could’ve stayed silent,” Trump said. Trump declared, “He has made a horrible mistake.”

According to him, the ex-leader of Israel was disloyal and had helped Netanyahu get his elections. He said that the United States reversed decades worth of policy and supported Israel’s claims on the Golan Heights. The Golan Heights were captured from Syria by Israel during the war of 1967.

Netanyahu also thanked Trump in a Twitter message at that time. He said so privately, “for the friendship you’ve shown to the state of Israel, and to me personally for recognizing Jerusalem and Golan, and standing up against Iran. For the historic peace agreements and for elevating the American-Israeli Alliance to new heights.”

Netanyahu defended his congratulator message. 

‘I highly appreciate President Trump’s big contribution to Israel and its security. In a statement made to Axios, Netanyahu stated that he also appreciated the strength of Israel’s alliance with the U.S.