It’s one the most expensive ingredients in the world. Now it seems that truffles are not only enjoyed by humans, but also by birds.
Researchers from the University of Florida discovered two common ground-dwelling bird species found in Patagonia regularly eat truffles before passing on the spores to their faeces.
According to researchers, spreading truffle spores not only makes it easier to source the delicious ingredient but also contributes to a healthy forest ecosystem.
Many tree species have a symbiotic relationship that they share with truffles, which colonise their roots.

Researchers discovered that chucao tapaculos (pictured) and black-throated huetts (pictured), were actively seeking out and consuming truffles from Patagonia.
Most of us think of truffles as luxury ingredients, which can cost up to £2,900 per kilo (for rare Italian whit truffles.)
According to the team, however, there are hundreds of species.
Dr Matthew Smith, the senior author, stated that truffles are underground mushrooms. Truffles are not like above-ground mushrooms that release their spores in the air. Instead, truffles rely on animals eating them to spread their seeds.
“Previously, it was believed that only mammals consumed truffle spores. Our study is the first to document this in birds.
The researchers discovered that chucao tapaculos as well as black-throated huets were seeking out and consuming truffles from Patagonia.
Dr Smith said that questions about birds and truffles were raised during an earlier research project conducted in Patagonia.
“We are working in the forest, raking and digging up truffles. We notice these birds constantly following us around, checking out areas where we have disturbed soil.
“Then we find truffles with the chunks taken out of them. Marcos even saw a bird eating a truffle right in front. All of this led to us asking, ‘Are these birds hunting truffles?

The truffles of Cortinarius dombeyi were found to have peck marks, which led researchers to question if the birds were eating them.
The team collected the droppings of the birds and tested them for any trace of truffle DNA to confirm their theory.
Their analysis revealed that truffle DNA was present in 42% and 38% respectively of the huet-huet drops.
The team also used fluorescent microscopy, a microscope technique that confirms that the spores found in the faeces are viable. This indicates that the birds are spreading truffles.

Most of us think of truffles as luxury ingredients, which can cost up to £2,900 per kilo (for rare Italian whit truffles.) According to the team, there are actually hundreds. Pictured: Hallingea purpurea truffles
Michelle Jusino, co-author of this study, said that DNA-based diet analysis is an exciting way to gain new insights into interactions between organisms.
“And, because sampling feces is not harmful to the target species, these methods are valuable for studying and protecting rare and endangered species in the future.”
Researchers even suggest that some truffles from Patagonia might have evolved to attract birds.
Dr Smith stated that “some of the truffles that birds eat look like local berries.”
‘Our future research may look to see if there is an evolutionary adaptation there — that the truffles have evolved to look more like the berries that the birds also eat.’
Researchers found that spreading truffle spores is not only beneficial for truffle growth but also for many tree species.
Mr Caiafa said: “These fungi form mycorrhizas. This is a relationship in which the fungus helps plants take up nutrients in return for sugars.