While many people use Boxing Day sales as a way to buy Christmas gifts, one smart mum used them to purchase all of her next-year’s presents. She even wrapped them!
Gemma Chamberlain, from Leicestershire, revealed she managed to get everything ready for Christmas 2022 just two days after Christmas 2021 and saved hundreds with deals from Tesco and Boots
Posting on Facebook group Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK group, Gemma shared the huge haul including clothes, perfumes and games with the gifts taking up her whole bed.
She shared another snap of them beautifully wrapped in blue paper and explained the lot cost her just £176 -meaning she save more than 50 per cent.

Gemma Chamberlain, from Leicestershire, revealed she managed to get everything ready for Christmas 2022 just two days after Christmas 2021 and saved hundreds with deals from Tesco and Boots
She said: ‘Boots half price sale and Tesco clothes and club card bargains (Boots was £176 total savings £178 so actually saved more then I spent) all wrapped and ready for next year’.
The post racked up more than 7,000 likes and nearly 2,000 comments with many praising her.
‘I definitely need to do this. Your Christmas photos were rather impressive, makes me want to definitely start early,’ said one.
‘To be fair I did this last year for this and it took the stress out of the busyness of Christmas. I didn’t wrap them though. I have got some great bargains for next year. It is a great way to save with the great bargains,’ added another.
‘Wow this is an amazing idea! Wish I was this organised. Fair play to you,’ wrote a third.
‘I buy sale stuff every year, put them in the ottoman at the bottom of my bed and we use them as gifts throughout the year. We do buy with certain people in mind. We always have a present on hand in an emergency,’ commented a fourth.

Gemma posts on the Facebook Group Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK. She shared her huge haul, which included clothes and perfumes as well as games. The gifts took up the entire bed.
Other people were not as supportive of the idea, saying that it takes away Christmas’ magic.
This is not the right place for me. The Christmas shopping atmosphere, especially at Christmas, is my favorite. I love the darkness, lights and decorations as well as the festive buzz. Personally, I feel I could save just as much money shopping online and trawling the web. This is fine if it works for your needs and, most importantly, if it helps you save money. “You are perfectly right,” said another.
I don’t hurry to sell. With the recent two years of turmoil in the United States, Christmas I consider to be family time. Because there are always sales, I buy throughout the year. We find it helps us to do this because we have six grandchildren and 11 children, as well as their spouses. However, I do not think anyone should be ashamed of going to the shops and getting a deal when they are able. One person wrote, “We all love to save pennies when possible.”
How do they do it? It would be tempting for me to gift these gifts throughout the year. One third said that she would be even more tempted to buy Christmas gifts the week before.
“I have done the exact same best thing they get, that is to say I got most of the product in sales last year.”