Fears are being expressed by NHS bosses about a spike in quack remedies and fad diets that claim to cure long-term Covid.
Ineffective treatments such as eating Hula Hopps and avoiding avocados and aubergines are being billed as miracle remedies for the condition, which has affected around one in 20 Covid sufferers in the UK according to one study.
The Times reports that herbalists even offer ‘long-Covid clinics’ that promise to’reduce depth and duration’ symptoms.

Professor Stephen Powis is the NHS England’s medical Director. He has warned about the rise of quack treatments for long-Covid.
Professor Stephen Powis is the NHS England’s medical director. He stated: “The continual spread of misinformation about quick fixes or cures for long Covid puts people at risk from ineffective and exploitative treatments that can even be harmful.”
“Spending thousands on a trip to the Alps will have no effect on your bank account, and following fad dieting and injecting antioxidants can be dangerous if they are not used correctly.
Many of these providers use social media to offer treatment options such as hyperbaric and vitamin infusions.
Some spas even offer Covid retreats, which can be as long as a year and cost thousands of pounds. They also offer treatments ranging from yoga to cryotherapy.
An Office for National Statistics report cites more than 830,000 people in the UK who have suffered symptoms for at least 12 weeks after contracting coronavirus — the definition of ‘post-Covid syndrome’
The NHS has established a network of long-term Covid clinics for specialist care, but some victims are turning to dubious online solutions as a quick fix.

Hula Hoops are one of the many bizarre online treatments to treat long-Covid.
Prof Powis said that another risk factor is that Covid symptoms may be long-lasting.
He stated that certain symptoms of stroke, lung carcinoma or other serious respiratory problems are similar to those reported for long Covid.
“It is vital that anyone suffering from ongoing symptoms after Covid-19 see their doctor immediately to rule out any other underlying causes.