FedEx has been our lifeline. Our brother-in-law sent a package on August 5 from Phoenix, Arizona, containing some effects of our recently deceased sister, worth around £4,000.

It contained a cherished handbag, a watch made of gold, and some costume jewelry. It arrived at Stansted in August 7. 

We paid £964.40 customs duty. FedEx called us once to ask for our email. 

Lost memories: FedEx proved to be of little help after it lost a package of family effects worth £4,000 on its way from America to Britain

Lost memories: FedEx proved to be of little help after it lost a package of family effects worth £4,000 on its way from America to Britain 

This must have been recorded incorrectly as nothing arrived. FedEx was chasing us, but no package arrived two months later.

D. P., Keighley.

Tony Hazell replies:23 pages were sent to me detailing phone and email conversations with FedEx while you tried to deliver your parcel. You said that the people you spoke to were generally concerned, but then nothing happened.

I contacted FedEx and — hey presto — you received an email promising to find your parcel. They called the next day to inform me that they were still searching. 

Your parcel was found on the third day. Your parcel was shipped on the fourth day, after all paperwork had been sorted. Your parcel was then lost in a backlog at Milton Keynes.

It finally arrived on October 19, 75-days after it was sent. It took the Mayflower only 66 days to cross Atlantic in 1620.

FedEx spokesperson says that they apologize for the inconvenience caused by the sensitive and personal nature of the shipment. 

Bank wants me to pay off my ex’s excess bank account

I opened a Monzo Account for my ex-partner. He didn’t have an ID so he didn’t have a bank account. This became a major issue in our marriage. 

He took out the maximum overdraft. I was responsible for it, but I didn’t have access.

Monzo said one way to resolve the issue would be for me to pay back the overdraft — which I obviously don’t want, nor can afford, to do. 

They keep asking me for a selfie with my ID. I have sent over ten and no one is listening.

Name and address required

Tony Hazell replies:According to my understanding, you opened an account with your partner and gave him complete control. 

This is something you should never do. You are ultimately responsible for your account and overdraft.

Monzo has frozen the account and blocked the card. It stated that it needed specific information. However, you might not understand what it wants. 

Monzo and me have tried many times to reach you, but without success. They are available to help, so please dial the number.

My partner of 50+years has passed away. Our children are looking to sell our home. 

I am 88 years of age and have been living with a lady for 50 very enjoyable years. We were known as my wife. However, we never got married or formed a legal partnership.

Straight to the point 

BT won’t allow me to install a phone line for my 100-year-old mother in her room at her care home. 

I have spent more time on the phone than eight hours and placed four orders. These orders were cancelled without notice.

C. B., via email.

A spokesperson said that an engineer is needed to visit the home to verify everything is working properly, since your mother’s care facility has never had a broadband connection or a landline. 

It will be installed within the next few days. You have been given a gesture of goodwill.


Yorkshire Energy collapsed the day after I switched away in December 2020, but I am still waiting for my £153.85 credit refund. 

I have sent my final statement three times to Scottish Power, which has taken over Yorkshire’s customers.

P. B., Cardiff.

Although your refund was processed in September, due to technical issues your cheque wasn’t printed. 

Scottish Power has now posted your cheque, along with an additional £75 as an apology.

In 1976, I purchased a piece of land for £2,500 and she paid £21,000 to have a house built on it. The house was named after her in the event that I died first.

She died in February. The bungalow she and I shared for 35 years was left to her children and her daughter from her first union. Their solicitor says they will not negotiate. I can’t afford an apartment.

T. R., London.

Tony Hazell replies:It is a terrible situation to find yourself in. Melinda Giles, from the Law Society’s equity and wills committee, said: “There’s a lot that we don’t know about this case, but the most important factor is their living arrangements.”

She stated that, even though there is no such thing, a common-law spouse or husband can be legally considered financially dependent on the partner during the period preceding her death.

“His financial dependence stems from the fact that she provided him with a roof over their heads rent-free. Without this, he has no place to live. This would appear to be his strongest case. If so, he would have to challenge his financial dependence.

You must do this immediately as these claims must be made within six months of the date that probate was granted.

Ms Giles says that it could also be possible that he can prove a form constructive trust, i.e. In the way they built the house and contributed to its maintenance, they created a trust.

“In this case it’s not lack of marriage or civil partnerships that’s the issue. She made a will that didn’t provide for him. Even if they were married, this would have caused the case to be on similar grounds.

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