Boris, the Part-Time Prime Minister Dominic Cummings claims Johnson is a hypocrite for second jobs. Johnson claimed that he wanted to spend a lot time writing Shakespeare books after entering Downing Street, to help pay for his divorce.

Dominic Cummings called Boris Johnson a hypocrite today for second-jobs hypocrisy. He claimed that the Prime Minister was looking to spend “a lot” time writing books after having entered No10 in order to help pay for his costly divorce.

In the wake Owen Paterson’s resignation, Mr Johnson attempted to give the riot act of Tory MPs to Tory members taking paid positions outside Parliament.

He also censured Sir Geoffrey Cox, former attorney general for his high-flying career as a barrister who has had him travel to the Caribbean to vote remote.

He claimed Mr Cummings told him that the PM asked before the pandemic whether it was possible to spend a lot of time on a Shakespeare biography. 

The PM’s ex-top aide, now divorced, stated in Substack that Johnson was looking to borrow money to cover his second marriage to Marina Wheeler. Marina Wheeler is the mother to four of Johnson’s children.

According to Mr Cummings, the discussions took place in January 2020 just weeks after Johnson’s win at the general election which gave him an enormous Tory majority. 

The PM was accused of comparing the UK’s highest political position to “getting up each morning and pulling a 747 along the runway”, but he told him that people expect him to do the PM’s work. 

Mr Johnson has attempted to read the riot act to Tory MPs taking paid roles outside parliament amid a sleaze row over consultancies in the wake of Owen Paterson's resignation as MP for North Shropshire.

In the wake Owen Paterson’s resignation, Mr Johnson attempted to give the riot act of Tory MPs to Tory members taking paid positions outside Parliament.

But Mr Cummings claimed that the PM asked him before the pandemic whether he could get away with devoting a large chunk of his attention to a biography of Shakespeare.

He claimed Mr Cummings told him that before the pandemic, the PM asked him if it was possible to spend a lot of time on a Shakespeare biography.

“You get the point. He was tired of his PM job within a month and wanted to return to the things he loved while trying to shake down publishers to make more money, Mr Cummings said. 

‘In February as Covid spread he was in Chevening writing about Shakespeare and messaging No10 that Covid was ”the new swine flu” — though as I told MPs, we actually did not want him to stop his holiday as we thought he would return and tell everyone it was a hoax. He did exactly that when he came back at the end February.

‘So WTF is he doing having a go at MPs given all his own outside earnings — and attempted outside earnings … while he’s supposed to be pretending to be PM?!’

Boris Johnson summoned his Cabinet down to Downing Street, to seek a solution to the scandal that was engulfing Conservative Party. However, one of his highest ranking ministers played down how serious the crisis was.

After days of bad headlines about MPs who are able to make their own money while working in Parliament, the Prime Minister met with Canapes and Wine at No10 for a 5-hour summit. 

The meeting was understood to have been focused on the levelling of his agenda with ministers arriving with maps.

However, Culture Secretary Nadine Dories said to a Tory junior minister that he overreacted when he raised concerns about a backlash from voters.

She told George Freeman in a WhatsApp conversation that she received from the Times: “The expenses scandal which started the day before the European elections 2009 and ended the day after the ballot was cast, was one billion times worse than the previous week.”

The Conservative was the duck house. All MPs were in the media. A half-dozen MPs were sent to prison. Many were required to reimburse huge amounts of money for expenses. For five weeks, we dominated the front pages of all news bulletins and newspapers. 

One year later, close to the date, Labour was defeated in the local elections. David Cameron, the PM broke the 13-year Labour rule.

“Last week was not great but far from being the worst.” 
