The hilarious moment a pet chihuahua squirmed in his mouth while getting his rabies shot at the vets – because he was scared of needles – is this.
Owner Nonlada Baekaew took her five-year-old chihuahua, Mon, to the veterinary clinic in Bangkok, Thailand on Monday, November 1.
The pooch was there to be vaccinated against rabies, a common shot for dogs to protect them against the deadly virus, which can also prove fatal for humans.

This is the hilarious moment a five-year-old chihuahua, named Mon, in Bangkok, Thailand was caught on camera while getting his rabies vaccination at the vets
Nonlada captured the moment on video as Mon was handed over to staff and held in the nurse’s arms behind a curtain.
He was initially calm and licking his mouth, not knowing what was coming. However, his expression immediately changed once he realized the truth.
The vet came closer to the dog with the needle and his face became frightened. He widened his eyes, and then he began to snarl.
Mon, the vet administering the Rabies shot, made a strange expression with his lips drawn back. This sent his owner into fits and laughter.

His owner Nonlada Baekaew captured the moment on video as the vet approached with the needle and Mon realised what was happening, widening his eyes and pulling his lips back
Nonlada said: ‘I couldn’t stop laughing while watching him from outside. I think Mon is afraid of needles, that’s why he was making that face.’
Mon was able to overcome his fear of needles and made an excellent recovery from his vet visit.
Dogs are the main carrier of rabies in Thailand, followed by cows and cats and the World Health Organisation say vaccinating dogs is the most effective means of preventing rabies in humans.

The vet administered the rabies shot as Mon’s face was frozen in fear, sending his owner into fits of laughter on the other end of the camera