A police officer who left a victim’s face covered with blood after stamping him to the ground during an arrested has been cleared.

After being caught on camera kicking an ‘old man’ as he lay down on the ground in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, the police officer’s conduct was reexamined.

The video of the arrest was posted online. The MP for the town said that he was shocked and deeply disturbed by the October 19 incident.

After a review by the professional standards department, Hertfordshire Police today stated that the officer’s conduct was deemed appropriate in the circumstances.

A police officer who left a man's face covered in blood after he stamped him to the ground during an arrest has been cleared of any wrongdoing. The police officer's conduct was reviewed after he was caught on camera booting an 'old man' in the back as he lay on the ground in Stevenage town centre, Hertfordshire

An officer from police who left a man’s head covered in blood after he had him stamped to the ground during an arrest was cleared of any wrongdoing. After he was caught on video kicking an ‘old man’ as he lay down on the ground in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, the police officer’s conduct has been reviewed.

After social media users raised concerns about the force used by the male officer to taser the man, before kicking him to his knees, the officers decided to make the arrest.

Stephen McPartland, Conservative MP for Stevenage, said on Twitter yesterday: ‘I was shocked and deeply disturbed by what I saw & immediately contacted the Chief Constable on Thursday.

“He confirmed it is with Professional Standards Department for evaluation.” 

Andy Symonds, 36 from Welwyn Garden City, captured the arrest. The footage shows the man, 60 years old, leaving with a bloody nose after his head hit cement and the officer kicked him in the back. 

It starts with two male officers and one female officer trying to restrain a man on the ground. Then, one of the male officers draws his Taser and hits the man.

The man stands up straight and walks towards the officer. His arms are outstretched, and he is immediately Tasered. This causes him to fall to ground.

The officer said: “Right, you’ve just been Tasered, mate.”

A video of the arrest has since circulated online and the town's MP said that he was 'shocked and deeply disturbed' by the incident, which happened on October 19

An online video of the arrest has been circulated and the MP in the town stated that he was’shocked’ and ‘deeply disturbed’ by the incident which took place on October 19th. 

Footage showed the moment the man was Tasered twice before an officer stamped on his head as he lay on the ground

Footage showed that the man was Tasered twice and then an officer stamped on his forehead as he lay down on the floor.

When the man attempts to get up, the officer shouts “stay down!” and another Taser shot is heard.

Another male officer arrives on the scene and the man lies face down in front of the Taser-wielding officer. He shouts, “Put your hands behind your back!”

The man is facing the male officer holding the Taser. He then appears to step on his upper back, sending him face first into the concrete.

The man is then handcuffed by three officers as the camera moves to show his bloodied face and concrete drops.

Mr Symonds, a car carrier, called the response disgusting’. He stated that the bloke was clearly not a strong old man. He didn’t engage in any active violence.

As another male officer arrives at the scene, the man is lying facing away from the cop who fired the Taser, who then shouts 'put your hands behind your back'

Another male officer arrives on the scene and the man lies face down in front of the Taser-wielding cop. He shouts, “Put your hands behind your back!”

“He got up from the ground and he held his hands up when a Taser was out, and the officer shot him. 

‘When he was on his stomach with his back to an officer, he did not threaten to use violence.

“The officer kicked him with such force, that his head was smashed into concrete and he had a bloody nose. 

“As soon as the officer kicked him, they called an ambulance because he realized what he’d done.” 

One bystander stated that the clip had ended when he saw the end of the clip.

A female officer asked about first aid kits before another male officer advised his colleagues to call an ambulance. 

The man was admitted to hospital with minor injuries and was later arrested for assaulting a police officer as well as criminal damage.

Hertfordshire Police stated that the video of the arrest “shows only a part of what occurred.”

A spokesperson for the force stated that many attempts had been made to communicate with and pacify the male prior to his arrest. These efforts were ineffective, and the man continued to act aggressively.

The footage, filmed by Andy Symonds, first shows two male officers and a female officer trying to restrain the man on the ground before they get off him and one of the male officers draws his Taser on the man

Andy Symonds filmed the footage. The footage shows two male officers and one female officer trying to restrain a man on the ground. After they get off him, one of the male officers draws his Taser and hits the man.

The male was arrested because he was considered a risk to the public due to his behavior. Officers were protecting themselves and members of their public.

‘The matter was referred to the Bedfordshire Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Professional Standards Department. CCTV footage of all incidents has been reviewed.

“The officer’s actions were considered appropriate under the circumstances.”