UK phone companies will block scam calls from abroad that use ‘spoofed’ British numbers to try and con innocent victims

Future phone networks will block foreign criminals who attempt to scam Britons using spoof numbers. 

The calls While appearing to be from the UK, they are actually originated in another country using a technique called “numberspoofing”.

Scammers use online tools and techniques to disguise the original number they are calling. 

The calls show up as a UK number on phones but really come from abroad in a technique called 'number spoofing'

Although the calls appear to be from the UK, they are actually coming from abroad using a technique known as “number spoofing”.

All phone networks will soon implement new measures to stop calls after pressure from the communications regulator Ofcom. 

The regulator released research last week that showed that three out of five people over 75 have been contacted by scammers via their landline.

More than half said they get these potential scam calls at the least once per week.

Research released by the regulator last week revealed three in five people aged 75 and over have received a potential scam call via landline

The regulator released research last week that showed that three out of five people over 75 have been contacted by scammers via their landline.

Lindsey Fussell (Ofcom’s Network and Communications Group Director) stated that they have been working with telecoms companies in order to implement technical solutions. This includes blocking at source suspicious international calls that are disguised by a UK phone number.

“We expect these steps to be taken as a top priority and at a rapid pace to ensure that customers are better protected,” said the spokesperson.
